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Type constraint for type inequality in scala [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Enforce type difference

Since there is a generalized type constraint enforcing equality in scala =:=, is there one that enforces "not equals" for types? Basically != but for types?


Comment below points to an existing Q&A and the answer seems to be that (1) no, it's not in the standard library (2) yes, it's possible to define one.

So I'll modify my question because of a thought that occurred to me after I saw the answer.

Given the existing solution:

sealed class =!=[A,B]

trait LowerPriorityImplicits {
  implicit def equal[A]: =!=[A, A] = sys.error("should not be called")
object =!= extends LowerPriorityImplicits {
  implicit def nequal[A,B](implicit same: A =:= B = null): =!=[A,B] = 
    if (same != null) sys.error("should not be called explicitly with same type")
    else new =!=[A,B]

case class Foo[A,B](a: A, b: B)(implicit e: A =!= B)

If A <: B or A >: B, will it still be the case that A =!= B? If not, is it possible to modify the solution such that if A =!= B then it is not the case that A <: B or A >: B?

like image 200
JasonMond Avatar asked Aug 27 '12 01:08


1 Answers

shapeless defines the type operator A <:!< B (meaning A is not a subtype of B) using the same implicit ambiguity trick that's used for strict type inequality,

trait <:!<[A, B]

implicit def nsub[A, B] : A <:!< B = new <:!<[A, B] {}
implicit def nsubAmbig1[A, B >: A] : A <:!< B = sys.error("Unexpected call")
implicit def nsubAmbig2[A, B >: A] : A <:!< B = sys.error("Unexpected call")

Sample REPL session,

scala> import shapeless.TypeOperators._
import shapeless.TypeOperators._

scala> implicitly[Int <:!< String]
res0: shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[Int,String] =

scala> implicitly[Int <:!< Int]
<console>:11: error: ambiguous implicit values:
 both method nsubAmbig1 in object TypeOperators of type
   [A, B >: A]=> shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[A,B]
 and method nsubAmbig2 in object TypeOperators of type
   [A, B >: A]=> shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[A,B]
 match expected type shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[Int,Int]
              implicitly[Int <:!< Int]

scala> class Foo ; class Bar extends Foo
defined class Foo
defined class Bar

scala> implicitly[Foo <:!< Bar]
res2: shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[Foo,Bar] =

scala> implicitly[Bar <:!< Foo]
<console>:13: error: ambiguous implicit values:
 both method nsubAmbig1 in object TypeOperators of type
   [A, B >: A]=> shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[A,B]
 and method nsubAmbig2 in object TypeOperators of type
   [A, B >: A]=> shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[A,B]
 match expected type shapeless.TypeOperators.<:!<[Bar,Foo]
              implicitly[Bar <:!< Foo]
like image 51
Miles Sabin Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 18:12

Miles Sabin