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two-way density plot combined with one way density plot with selected regions in r

# data  set.seed (123) xvar <- c(rnorm (1000, 50, 30), rnorm (1000, 40, 10), rnorm (1000, 70, 10)) yvar <-   xvar + rnorm (length (xvar), 0, 20) myd <- data.frame (xvar, yvar)   # density plot for xvar             upperp = 80   # upper cutoff             lowerp = 30   # lower cutoff             x <- myd$xvar             plot(density(x))             dens <- density(x)             x11 <- min(which(dens$x <= lowerp))             x12 <- max(which(dens$x <= lowerp))             x21 <- min(which(dens$x > upperp))             x22 <- max(which(dens$x > upperp))             with(dens, polygon(x = c(x[c(x11, x11:x12, x12)]),                 y = c(0, y[x11:x12], 0), col = "green"))              with(dens, polygon(x = c(x[c(x21, x21:x22, x22)]),                 y = c(0, y[x21:x22], 0), col = "red"))             abline(v = c(mean(x)), lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "red") # density plot with yvar     upperp = 70  # upper cutoff     lowerp = 30   # lower cutoff     x <- myd$yvar     plot(density(x))     dens <- density(x)     x11 <- min(which(dens$x <= lowerp))     x12 <- max(which(dens$x <= lowerp))     x21 <- min(which(dens$x > upperp))     x22 <- max(which(dens$x > upperp))     with(dens, polygon(x = c(x[c(x11, x11:x12, x12)]),         y = c(0, y[x11:x12], 0), col = "green"))      with(dens, polygon(x = c(x[c(x21, x21:x22, x22)]),         y = c(0, y[x21:x22], 0), col = "red"))     abline(v = c(mean(x)), lwd = 2, lty = 2, col = "red") 

I need to plot two way density plot, I am not sure there is better way than the following:

ggplot(myd,aes(x=xvar,y=yvar))+     stat_density2d(aes(fill=..level..), geom="polygon") +     scale_fill_gradient(low="blue", high="green") + theme_bw() 

I want to combine all three types in to one (I did not know if I can create two-way plot in ggplot), there is not prefrence on whether the solution be plots are in ggplot or base or mixed. I hope this is doable project, considering robustness of R. I personally prefer ggplot2.

enter image description here

Note: the lower shading in this plot is not right, red should be always lower and green upper in xvar and yvar graphs, corresponding to shaded region in xy density plot.

Edit: Ultimate expectation on the graph (thanks seth and jon for very close answer) (1) removing space and axis tick labels etc to make it compact
(2) alignments of grids so that middle plot ticks and grids should align with side ticks and labels and size of plots look the same. enter image description here

like image 879
SHRram Avatar asked Jul 18 '12 16:07


People also ask

How do you plot density of data in R?

To create a density plot in R you can plot the object created with the R density function, that will plot a density curve in a new R window. You can also overlay the density curve over an R histogram with the lines function. The result is the empirical density function.

How is density plot different from histogram?

Creating the histogram provides the Visual representation of data distribution. By using a histogram we can represent a large amount of data, and its frequency. Density Plot is the continuous and smoothed version of the Histogram estimated from the data. It is estimated through Kernel Density Estimation.

What does a density plot Show in R?

A density plot shows the distribution of a numeric variable. In ggplot2 , the geom_density() function takes care of the kernel density estimation and plot the results.

1 Answers

Here is the example for combining multiple plots with alignment:

library(ggplot2) library(grid)  set.seed (123) xvar <- c(rnorm (100, 50, 30), rnorm (100, 40, 10), rnorm (100, 70, 10)) yvar <-   xvar + rnorm (length (xvar), 0, 20) myd <- data.frame (xvar, yvar)  p1 <- ggplot(myd,aes(x=xvar,y=yvar))+   stat_density2d(aes(fill=..level..), geom="polygon") +   coord_cartesian(c(0, 150), c(0, 150)) +   opts(legend.position = "none")  p2 <- ggplot(myd, aes(x = xvar)) + stat_density() +   coord_cartesian(c(0, 150)) p3 <- ggplot(myd, aes(x = yvar)) + stat_density() +    coord_flip(c(0, 150))  gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1)) gt2 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p2)) gt3 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p3))  gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_cols(gt, unit(0.3, "null"), pos = -1) gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_rows(gt1, unit(0.3, "null"), pos = 0)  gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt2$grobs[[which(gt2$layout$name == "panel")]],                                   1, 4, 1, 4) gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt2$grobs[[which(gt2$layout$name == "axis-l")]],                                  1, 3, 1, 3, clip = "off")  gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt3$grobs[[which(gt3$layout$name == "panel")]],                                  4, 6, 4, 6) gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt3$grobs[[which(gt3$layout$name == "axis-b")]],                                  5, 6, 5, 6, clip = "off") grid.newpage() grid.draw(gt1) 

enter image description here

note that this works with gglot2 0.9.1, and in the future release you may do it more easily.

And finally

you can do that by:

library(ggplot2) library(grid)  set.seed (123) xvar <- c(rnorm (100, 50, 30), rnorm (100, 40, 10), rnorm (100, 70, 10)) yvar <-   xvar + rnorm (length (xvar), 0, 20) myd <- data.frame (xvar, yvar)  p1 <- ggplot(myd,aes(x=xvar,y=yvar))+   stat_density2d(aes(fill=..level..), geom="polygon") +   geom_polygon(aes(x, y),                 data.frame(x = c(-Inf, -Inf, 30, 30), y = c(-Inf, 30, 30, -Inf)),                alpha = 0.5, colour = NA, fill = "red") +   geom_polygon(aes(x, y),                 data.frame(x = c(Inf, Inf, 80, 80), y = c(Inf, 80, 80, Inf)),                alpha = 0.5, colour = NA, fill = "green") +   coord_cartesian(c(0, 120), c(0, 120)) +   opts(legend.position = "none")  xd <- data.frame(density(myd$xvar)[c("x", "y")]) p2 <- ggplot(xd, aes(x, y)) +    geom_area(data = subset(xd, x < 30), fill = "red") +   geom_area(data = subset(xd, x > 80), fill = "green") +   geom_line() +   coord_cartesian(c(0, 120))  yd <- data.frame(density(myd$yvar)[c("x", "y")]) p3 <- ggplot(yd, aes(x, y)) +    geom_area(data = subset(yd, x < 30), fill = "red") +   geom_area(data = subset(yd, x > 80), fill = "green") +   geom_line() +   coord_flip(c(0, 120))  gt <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p1)) gt2 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p2)) gt3 <- ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(p3))  gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_cols(gt, unit(0.3, "null"), pos = -1) gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_rows(gt1, unit(0.3, "null"), pos = 0)  gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt2$grobs[[which(gt2$layout$name == "panel")]],                                   1, 4, 1, 4) gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt2$grobs[[which(gt2$layout$name == "axis-l")]],                                  1, 3, 1, 3, clip = "off")  gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt3$grobs[[which(gt3$layout$name == "panel")]],                                  4, 6, 4, 6) gt1 <- ggplot2:::gtable_add_grob(gt1, gt3$grobs[[which(gt3$layout$name == "axis-b")]],                                  5, 6, 5, 6, clip = "off") grid.newpage() grid.draw(gt1) 

enter image description here

like image 63
kohske Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 04:09
