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Two vcs root in teamcity and shared directory

I have two svn VCS roots (ProjectX, ProjectY). Correct build path should be:

ParrentFolder\ProjectX (svn://svn_server1/ProjectX)

ParrentFolder\ProjectY (svn://svn_server2/Folder1/ProjectY)

How to configure shared ParrentFolder for both projects? I looked into Checkout directory parameter but its seams there is no system variable which can create folder by project name.

Thanks a lot

like image 798
Sanja Melnichuk Avatar asked Oct 29 '12 08:10

Sanja Melnichuk

Video Answer

1 Answers

So if anyone have similar issue you need todo next:

  1. Configure checkout rule for the first project +:.=>ProjectX
  2. Configure checkout rule for the second project +:.=>ProjectY
  3. Configure correct build paths /ProjectX/ProjectX.sln, /ProjectY/ProjectY.sln
like image 179
Sanja Melnichuk Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Sanja Melnichuk