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Two-legged OAuth - looking for information

I want to implement a new REST-based API on our infrastructure, and OAuth seems to be the way to go.

For our implementation, there will first just be server-to-server access, which will be completely unrestricted. I believe this is called two-legged authorization.

Later on, we'd like to allow the API to be consumed by the browser, which will turn our authorization into three-legged.

Is there a good starting point for implementing this? How can we fully authorize a server and down the road add restricted authorization per-user?

The OAuth specification is not really helpful in these scenarios, but I believe this implies we need to create a never-expiring session for the server-to-server access, and later on add normal sessions with limited access for user-only APIs.

I'm hoping to find starting points for more information, let me know!

Is OAuth for me? I'm only looking for a authenticated request system, and only the consumer and service provider exist in this scenario. The end-user does not come in to play!

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Evert Avatar asked May 19 '09 20:05


People also ask

How can I get user information from OAuth?

If the authorization server supports OpenID Connect, there are two standard ways to get user information. One is to request the authorization server to issue an ID token which contains user information. The other is to access UserInfo Endpoint. See OpenID Connect Core 1.0 for details.

What are the differences between 3 legged and 2 legged OAuth?

A typical OAuth flow involves three parties: the end-user (or resource owner), the client (the third-party application), and the server (or authorization server). So a 3-legged flow involves all three. The term 2-legged is used to describe an OAuth-authenticated request without the end-user involved.

What are the advantages of OAuth 2?

Advantages of OAuth 2.0It allows limited access to the user's data and allows accessing when authorization tokens expire. It has ability to share data for users without having to release personal information. It is easier to implement and provides stronger authentication.

What is OAuth 2 and how it works?

OAuth 2.0, which stands for “Open Authorization”, is a standard designed to allow a website or application to access resources hosted by other web apps on behalf of a user. It replaced OAuth 1.0 in 2012 and is now the de facto industry standard for online authorization.

1 Answers

Ya, OAuth is probably for you.

There are actually two OAuth specifications, the 3-legged version and the 2-legged version. The 3-legged version is the one that gets most of the attention, and it's not the one you want to use.

The good news is that the 2-legged version does exactly what you want, it allows an application to grant access to another via either a shared secret key (very similar to Amazon's Web Service model, you will use the HMAC-SHA1 signing method) or via a public/private key system (use signing method: RSA-SHA1). The bad news, is that it's not nearly as well supported yet as the 3-legged version yet, so you may have to do a bit more work than you otherwise might have to right now.

Basically, 2-legged OAuth just specifies a way to "sign" (compute a hash over) several fields which include the current date, a random number called "nonce," and the parameters of your request. This makes it very hard to impersonate requests to your web service.

OAuth is slowly but surely becoming an accepted standard for this kind of thing -- you'll be best off in the long run if you embrace it because people can then leverage the various libraries available for doing that.

It's more elaborate than you would initially want to get into - but the good news is that a lot of people have spent a lot of time on it so you know you haven't forgotten anything. A great example is that very recently Twitter found a gap in the OAuth security which the community is currently working on closing. If you'd invented your own system, you're having to figure out all this stuff on your own.

Good luck!

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Chris Harris Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10

Chris Harris