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two foreign keys, how to map with laravel eloquent

I have two tables in MySQL, where the first one is called users and the second one is called games. The table structure is as follows.


  • id (primary)
  • email
  • password
  • real_name


  • id (Primary)
  • user_one_id (foreign)
  • user_one_score
  • user_two_id (foreign)
  • user_two_score

My games table is holding two foreign relations to two users.

My question is how do I make the model relations for this table structure?? - According to the laravel documentation, I should make a function inside the model and bind it with its relations

for instance

public function users()

however I can't seem to find anything in the documentation telling me how to deal with two foreign keys. like in my table structure above.

I hope you can help me along the way here.

Thank you

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Rohwedder Avatar asked Jul 31 '14 14:07


1 Answers

A migration:


And a Model:

public function player1()
    $this->belongsTo('Game', 'player1');
public function player2()
    $this->belongsTo('Game', 'player2');

EDIT changed 'game' to 'Game' as user deczo suggested.

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peter.babic Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
