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Twitter Bootstrap with Spring MVC

I'd like integrate Twitter Bootstrap with an existing Spring MVC Project. Search returns abstract results with no tutorials or articles that outlines how to integrate the UI focused Bootstrap with Spring MVC.

What are the the steps in terms of configuration involved to integrate the frameworks?


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user1377822 Avatar asked Mar 03 '13 18:03


2 Answers

Twitter Bootstrap is a framework for CSS elements, and also some popup and HTML tricks. You can simply put your bootstap.css, jquery.js and bootstrap.js into your existing Spring MVC JSP pages. There is no secret to using both together; it's quite simple.

You can take a look in those examples. They may be useful to you.

  • Example 1 - priyatam's GitHub Spring MVC bootstrap showcase. This is a good one, a complete project and ready to run
  • Example 2 - Duckranger's Spring MVC and Twitter Bootstap

Remember that Spring MVC will provide to you all data (via JSON or Model attributes) to build yout HTML file. Bootstrap will only personalize the theme of your page and, sometimes, calling Spring MVC REST endpoints to get Ajax data.

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Deividi Cavarzan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Deividi Cavarzan

this is a good easy tutorial show you how you can integrate a bootstrap to an existing Spring MVC project

Beautify your Java web application with Bootstrap

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Mohamed Dernoun Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Mohamed Dernoun