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twitter bootstrap typeahead (method 'toLowerCase' of undefined)


I am trying to use twitter bootstrap to get the manufacturers from my DB.

Because twitter bootstrap typeahead does not support ajax calls I am using this fork:


In that page there is this comment that mentions how to do exactly what I want to do. The problem is when I run my code I keep on getting:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'toLowerCase' of undefined

I googled around and came tried changing my jquery file to both using the minified and non minified as well as the one hosted on google code and I kept getting the same error.

My code currently is as follows:

$('#manufacturer').typeahead({     source: function(typeahead, query){         $.ajax({             url: window.location.origin+"/bows/get_manufacturers.json",             type: "POST",             data: "",             dataType: "JSON",             async: false,             success: function(results){                 var manufacturers = new Array;                 $.map(results.data.manufacturers, function(data, item){                     var group;                     group = {                         manufacturer_id: data.Manufacturer.id,                         manufacturer: data.Manufacturer.manufacturer                     };                     manufacturers.push(group);                 });                 typeahead.process(manufacturers);             }         });     },     property: 'name',     items:11,     onselect: function (obj) {      } }); 

on the url field I added the


to avoid any problems as already discussed on another question

Also before I was using $.each() and then decided to use $.map() as recomended Tomislav Markovski in a similar question

Anyone has any idea why I keep getting this problem?!

Thank you

like image 891
mmoscosa Avatar asked Jun 27 '12 22:06


1 Answers

Typeahead expect a list of string as source

$('#manufacturer').typeahead({     source : ["item 1", "item 2", "item 3", "item 4"] }) 

In your case you want to use it with a list of objects. This way you'll have to make some changes to make it works

This should works :

$('#manufacturer').typeahead({     source: function(typeahead, query){         $.ajax({             url: window.location.origin+"/bows/get_manufacturers.json",             type: "POST",             data: "",             dataType: "JSON",             async: false,             success: function(results){                 var manufacturers = new Array;                 $.map(results.data.manufacturers, function(data){                     var group;                     group = {                         manufacturer_id: data.Manufacturer.id,                         manufacturer: data.Manufacturer.manufacturer,                          toString: function () {                             return JSON.stringify(this);                         },                         toLowerCase: function () {                             return this.manufacturer.toLowerCase();                         },                         indexOf: function (string) {                             return String.prototype.indexOf.apply(this.manufacturer, arguments);                         },                         replace: function (string) {                             return String.prototype.replace.apply(this.manufacturer, arguments);                         }                     };                     manufacturers.push(group);                 });                 typeahead.process(manufacturers);             }         });     },     property: 'manufacturer',     items:11,     onselect: function (obj) {         var obj = JSON.parse(obj);          // You still can use the manufacturer_id here          console.log(obj.manufacturer_id);          return obj.manufacturer;     } }); 
like image 192
ThomasDurin Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11
