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Twitter Bootstrap scrollable table rows and fixed header [closed]

Does anyone know how to make a table with a fixed header row and scrollable body rows? I'm using twitter bootstrap if that matters.

This is an example of what I'm trying to create:


All the examples I've seen break it into two separate tables. Was wondering if anyone has a more elegant solution.

Twitter bootstrap also automatically adjusts the column sizes based on content so that's another reason I'd like to keep it in one table

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Jeff Locke Avatar asked Jul 14 '12 11:07

Jeff Locke

People also ask

How do I make my table scrollable with fixed header?

By setting postion: sticky and top: 0, we can create a fixed header on a scroll in HTML tables.

How do I scroll in bootstrap?

Add data-spy="scroll" to the element that should be used as the scrollable area (often this is the <body> element). Then add the data-target attribute with a value of the id or the class name of the navigation bar ( . navbar ). This is to make sure that the navbar is connected with the scrollable area.

2 Answers

Just stack two bootstrap tables; one for columns, the other for content. No plugins, just pure bootstrap (and that ain't no bs, haha!)

  <table id="tableHeader" class="table" style="table-layout:fixed">         <thead>             <tr>                 <th>Col1</th>                 ...             </tr>         </thead>   </table>   <div style="overflow-y:auto;">     <table id="tableData" class="table table-condensed" style="table-layout:fixed">         <tbody>             <tr>                 <td>data</td>                 ...             </tr>         </tbody>     </table>  </div> 

Demo JSFiddle

The content table div needs overflow-y:auto, for vertical scroll bars. Had to use table-layout:fixed, otherwise, columns did not line up. Also, had to put the whole thing inside a bootstrap panel to eliminate space between the tables.

Have not tested with custom column widths, but provided you keep the widths consistent between the tables, it should work.

    // ADD THIS JS FUNCTION TO MATCH UP COL WIDTHS     $(function () {          //copy width of header cells to match width of cells with data         //so they line up properly         var tdHeader = document.getElementById("tableHeader").rows[0].cells;         var tdData = document.getElementById("tableData").rows[0].cells;          for (var i = 0; i < tdData.length; i++)             tdHeader[i].style.width = tdData[i].offsetWidth + 'px';      }); 
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raffian Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09


Here is a jQuery plugin that does exactly that: http://fixedheadertable.com/


$('selector').fixedHeaderTable({ fixedColumn: 1 });

Set the fixedColumn option if you want any number of columns to be also fixed for horizontal scrolling.

EDIT: This example http://www.datatables.net/examples/basic_init/scroll_y.html is much better in my opinion, although with DataTables you'll need to get a better understanding of how it works in general.

EDIT2: For Bootstrap to work with DataTables you need to follow the instructions here: http://datatables.net/blog/Twitter_Bootstrap_2 (I have tested this and it works)- For Bootstrap 3 there's a discussion here: http://datatables.net/forums/discussion/comment/53462 - (I haven't tested this)

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Panickos Neophytou Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09

Panickos Neophytou