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Twitter bootstrap popover close all before opening a new one

I'm not JavaScript wizard, so I'm missing something obvious here I'm sure. I have a unorder-list that has multiple links & When user do hover on the <li> then they can see the link to click on it in order to see Twitter Bootstrap's pop-over behavior.

My problem is

  • It does not closes previous pop-over if i open a new one.
  • And also it does show up again the tweet link if again mouse over on the same "Tweet" image.

Here is fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/ZnJ6b/17/ , please take a look & try to help me.

js code looks like

    placement: 'right',
    html: 'true',
    title : '<span class="text-info"><strong>title</strong></span>',
    content : '<input id="subproject_id" type="text"/>'

$('.add_btn').click(function(e) {  
          $('.popover-title').append('<button id="popovercloseid" type="button" class="close">&times;</button>');
         $("#subproject_id").focus();//textbox focus
          $(this).removeClass( "add_btn" ).addClass( "new_add_btn" );
  $(document).click(function(e) {    
     if(e.target.id=="popovercloseid" ) { 
          $('.new_add_btn').removeClass( "new_add_btn" ).addClass( "add_btn" );



http://blog.alysson.net/lang/pt-br/twitter-bootstrap-popover-close-all-before-opening-a-new-one/ is the link seems tutorial, but i am unable to implement it to above code. Any help please?

like image 946
user3482559 Avatar asked Mar 20 '23 21:03


1 Answers

Your code has some unnecessary lines that deflect the behavior of the popover.

I've commented some of the lines and added this statement:


so that only one popover is displayed at a time.


This bit of code to close your popover with a button:

$('html').on('click', '#popovercloseid', function (e) {

Demo 2

like image 143
AyB Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 14:04