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Twitter bootstrap 3 - vertical align columns in a row [middle]

I see bootstrap do not fix the height of the columns in the row. For example: image 1:1, it will be responsive in the column, but the position of the image is at the top of the row.

If I have text in heading tag, It have default margins that pushes the text below. So the image will be bonded to the top and the text will be little below the top.

What if I need to normalize the columns and make it aligned in the middle?

My questions is:

  • Is there a native bootstrap way to align the columns?
  • If it not support this kind of alignment, what "hack" I can use? I Tried some "hacks" but they affect the base bootstrap functionality.

What exactly I need to do:

Sorry but it's hard to make it in a jsfiddle, It's includes Angular directives and templates. Just for example:

I have a directive which generates this:

Not aligned

I need to do align the image in the middle, or at least to be at the heading vertical start. For example: enter image description here

I made this jsfiddle if you want to experiment. I accept just explanations without any code.

I can fix it with some "hacked" css, but I wanna know how I can do that the right way.

like image 742
Ifch0o1 Avatar asked Jan 21 '15 21:01


People also ask

How do I center a row vertically in Bootstrap 3?

row is now display:flex you can simply use align-self-center on any column to vertically center it... or, use align-items-center on the entire . row to vertically center align all col-* in the row...

How do I vertically center a row in bootstrap?

1 — Vertical Center Using Auto Margins One way to vertically center is to use my-auto . This will center the element within it's flexbox container (The Bootstrap 4 . row is display:flex ). For example, h-100 makes the row full height, and my-auto will vertically center the col-sm-12 column.

How do I vertically align a column in bootstrap?

In Bootstrap 5, if we want to vertically align an <div> element in the middle of a containing element, we can do this by applying the class align-items-center and d-flex on the containing element of that div. Here, the d-flex class has the same effect as that of the display: flex; property in CSS.

2 Answers

One approach is to use translateY on the img element like this:

.v-center {
  position: relative;
  transform: translateY(50%);

You'll also want to put the image inside a col-*-2..

Demo: http://bootply.com/tVyuhaFoww

like image 71
Zim Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11


Another way to align the image at the top of the first paragraph is to break your design into two rows. The first row contains the header and the second row contains the image, paragraphs and links. This closely resembles your second image above, if that's the way you want it to look.


<div class="row">
  <div class="col-xs-10 col-xs-push-2">
    <h4 class="ng-binding">Monaco make Bernardo Silva move permanent</h4>
<div class="row">
  <img src="http://s12.postimg.org/gt71dlbd5/1421893782_flat_world_cup_icon_512_Socker_1.png" alt="" class="col-xs-2">
  <div class="col-xs-10">
    <p class="ng-binding">Bernardo Silva's loan move from SL Benfica to AS Monaco FC has been made permanent, with the 20-year-old settling in well since his summer switch to France.</p>
    <span class="rss-news-date ng-binding">Jan 21, 2015</span>
    <p><a ng-href="http://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/news/newsid=2204161.html?rss=2204161+Monaco+make+Bernardo+Silva+move+permanent" href="http://www.uefa.com/uefachampionsleague/news/newsid=2204161.html?rss=2204161+Monaco+make+Bernardo+Silva+move+permanent">Lean more</a> </p>
like image 37
geeves Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11
