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Twilio Python Module Errors After Compiling





I have written a simple program that opens a csv file and text all the numbers in it. I am using Twilio (twilio-python) as a service provider. My code works fine as a python script. However, when I compile the script (using py2exe), the exe file errors. This is the error I receive from the log file....

 Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "sms.py", line 39, in <module>
 File "twilio\rest\resources\messages.pyc", line 112, in create
 File "twilio\rest\resources\base.pyc", line 352, in create_instance
 File "twilio\rest\resources\base.pyc", line 204, in request
 File "twilio\rest\resources\base.pyc", line 129, in make_twilio_request
 File "twilio\rest\resources\base.pyc", line 101, in make_request
 File "httplib2\__init__.pyc", line 1570, in request
 File "httplib2\__init__.pyc", line 1317, in _request
 File "httplib2\__init__.pyc", line 1252, in _conn_request
 File "httplib2\__init__.pyc", line 1021, in connect
 File "httplib2\__init__.pyc", line 80, in _ssl_wrap_socket
 File "ssl.pyc", line 387, in wrap_socket
 File "ssl.pyc", line 141, in __init__
 ssl.SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:340: error:0B084002:x509 certificate               
 routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib

I don't recieve this error when i am using the un-compiled code (below)

  import sys #2 params --- /path/to/contact/file    --- up to 160 char msg
  import csv
  import time

  from twilio.rest import TwilioRestClient 
  ACCOUNT_SID = "**************************" 
  AUTH_TOKEN  = "**************************" 
  client = TwilioRestClient(ACCOUNT_SID, AUTH_TOKEN) 

  contactFile = sys.argv[0]
  msg = (' ').join(sys.argv)

  print contactFile
  print " "
  print msg

  info = []
  with open(contactFile,'rb') as csvfile:
   reader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',', quotechar='|')
        for row in reader:

  contactCount = len(info)-1

  if contactCount > 0:
     #remove first item from list because its not a value that is needed....

   for i in info:
       print " "
       contactName = i[0]
       phoneNumber = i[1]
       print "Texting " + contactName + "... \n"
     print("SMSify Error \n The contact file doesn't have any contacts in it.")

Any thoughts on what is going on??


Here is my setup.py file

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os
Mydata_files = [('cacert.pem', ['C:\\Python27\\Lib\\site-      

   data_files = Mydata_files,
                    "bundle_files": 1,
                    "compressed": True
like image 282
Daniel Sikes Avatar asked Jan 18 '14 07:01

Daniel Sikes

Video Answer

2 Answers

It's happened because self-signed certificate file missed in bundle.

This problem is same for requests and httplib2 modules.

For example, if you have a file named req_example.py that using request module:

import requests
url = 'https://google.com/'

It works when you run it as python req_example.py, but when bundle it, it's not working.

Or if you have a file named http2_example.py that using http2 module:

import httplib2
url = 'https://google.com/'
http = httplib2.Http()

It works when you run it as python http2_example.py , but when bundle it, it's not working.

To fix that, you have two options, one bad and one good.

  1. Disable verifying SSL certificates:

    To do that for requests module:

    import requests
    url = 'https://google.com/'
    requests.get(url, verify=False)

    And for httplib2 module:

    import httplib2
    http = httplib2.Http(disable_ssl_certificate_validation=True)
  2. Add self-signed certificate file to bundle:

    For requests module, the file cacert.pem is located in:


    And for httplib2 module is in:


    For each of them, you can copy it to inside of your project (or just address to it),

    And config setup.py for including it:

        # for `requests` module
        data_files=['cacert.pem'] ) # or data_files=['cacerts.txt'] ) for `httplib2`

    And change your code to using that, for request module:

    import os 
    import requests 
    url = 'https://google.com/' 
    cert ='cacert.pem'
    # or os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = cert 
    os.environ['REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), cert)

    And for httplib2 module:

    import httplib2 
    cert = 'cacerts.txt' 
    http = httplib2.Http(ca_certs=cert) 

    Or if your httplib2 version is 0.8, you can create a file that should named ca_certs_locater.py, and define a get function, that return path of ca_certs file.

    def get():
        return 'cacerts.txt'

Ok, now for your error, and for twilio module, it use httplib2, and cacert.pem of it is in:


So you need to add this file to setup.py as described above.

But twilio itself has a function with name get_cert_file that pass ca_cert file to httplib2.

I think if you using ca_certs_locater.py that described above, it also will works for that, but if not, you have yet an ugly option, so you can monkey patch get_cert_file function of twilio:

from twilio.rest.resources.base import get_cert_file
get_cert_file = lambda: 'cacert.pem'

Note that this may an issue for twilio or even for py2exe or PyInstaller .

like image 148
Omid Raha Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10

Omid Raha

I had the same problem with twilio and pyinstaller, and was able to fix it by modifying the base.py module in twilio\rest\resources:

   def get_cert_file():
 """ Get the cert file location or bail """
# XXX - this currently fails test coverage because we don't actually go
# over the network anywhere. Might be good to have a test that stands up a
# local server and authenticates against it.
    # Apparently __file__ is not available in all places so wrapping this
    # in a try/catch
    current_path = os.path.realpath(__file__)
    #ca_cert_path = os.path.join(current_path, "..", "..", "..",    (old path)
     #                           "conf", "cacert.pem")
    ca_cert_path = os.getcwd() + '\Config\cacert.pem' (my new path)

    return os.path.abspath(ca_cert_path)

(I am storing my cacert.pem file in a Config folder off my main script directory)

like image 41
Graham Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
