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TweenLite does not animate

I am trying to do a simple animation of top-margin using GreenSocks TweenLite for Javascript. I've used the library many times but, for some reason, it's not working this time. Note: The "onComplete" is firing but, no matter what element I use, I cannot animate any CSS properties on HTML elements.


<div id="GS_PipelineHeadline h2"></div>


TweenLite.to("#GS_PipelineHeadline h2", 0.5, 
    "margin-top": 0, 
    ease: "Back.easeOut", 
    onComplete: function () 

Here is a real quick JSFiddle I created that includes all the CSS, JS and HTML. http://jsfiddle.net/mBPug/

If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate it!

like image 333
dygfloyd Avatar asked Dec 05 '13 22:12


1 Answers

A few things:

  • add the CSS plugin to your fiddle
  • "margin-top" wasn't going to do much, use top instead


TweenLite.to("#GS_PipelineHeadline", 0.5, {
    top: 0,
    ease: Back.easeOut,
    onComplete: function () {


like image 158
Tim Vermaelen Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 07:10

Tim Vermaelen