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Turning a data frame and a list into long format with dplyr




Here is a puzzle.

Assume you have a data frame and a list. The list has as many elements as the df has rows:

dd <- data.frame(ID=1:3, Name=LETTERS[1:3])
dl <- map(4:6, rnorm) %>% set_names(letters[1:3])

Is there a simple way (preferably with dplyr / tidyverse) to make a long format, such that the elements of the list are joined with the corresponding rows of the data frame? Here is what I have in mind illustrated with not-so-elegant way:

rows <- map(1:length(dl), ~ rep(., length(dl[[.]]))) %>% unlist()
dd <- dd[rows,]
dd$value <- unlist(dl)

As you can see, for each vector in dl, we replicated the corresponding row as many times as necessary to accommodate each value.

like image 325
January Avatar asked Jul 08 '19 14:07


3 Answers

In base R, you can get your result with stack followed by merge:

res <- merge(stack(dl), dd, by.x="ind", by.y="Name")

#  ind      values ID
#1   A -0.79616693  1
#2   A  0.37720953  1
#3   A  1.30273712  1
#4   A  0.19483859  1
#5   B  0.18770716  2
#6   B -0.02226917  2

NB: I supposed the names for dl were supposed to be in uppercases but if they are indeed lowercase, the following line needs to be pass instead:

res <- merge(stack(setNames(dl, toupper(names(dl)))), dd, by.x="ind", by.y="Name")
like image 78
Cath Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 01:10


Since a dplyr solution has already been provided, another option is to subset dl for each Name value in dd using data.table grouping


dd[, .(values = dl[[tolower(Name)]]), by = .(ID, Name)]

#     ID Name      values
#  1:  1    A -1.09633600
#  2:  1    A -1.26238190
#  3:  1    A  1.15220845
#  4:  1    A -1.45741071
#  5:  2    B -0.49318131
#  6:  2    B  0.59912670
#  7:  2    B -0.73117632
#  8:  2    B -1.09646143
#  9:  2    B -0.79409753
# 10:  3    C -0.08205888
# 11:  3    C  0.21503398
# 12:  3    C -1.17541571
# 13:  3    C -0.10020616
# 14:  3    C -1.01152362
# 15:  3    C -1.03693337
like image 29
IceCreamToucan Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10


We can create a list column and unnest

dd %>% 
  mutate(value = dl) %>% 
#   ID Name       value
#1   1    A  1.57984385
#2   1    A  0.66831102
#3   1    A -0.45472145
#4   1    A  2.33807619
#5   2    B  1.56716709
#6   2    B  0.74982763
#7   2    B  0.07025534
#8   2    B  1.31174561
#9   2    B  0.57901536
#10  3    C -1.36629653
#11  3    C -0.66437155
#12  3    C  2.12506187
#13  3    C  1.20220402
#14  3    C  0.10687018
#15  3    C  0.15973401

Note that if the criteria is based on the compactness of code, if we remove the %>%

unnest(mutate(dd, value = dl))

Or another option is uncount and mutate

dd %>% 
   uncount(lengths(dl)) %>%
   mutate(value = flatten_dbl(unname(dl)))

If it needs a join based on the names of the 'dl'

enframe(dl, name = 'Name') %>%
     mutate(Name = toupper(Name)) %>% 
     left_join(dd) %>% 

In base R, we can replicate the rows of 'dd' with lengths of 'dl' and transform to create the 'value' as unlisted 'dl'

transform(dd[rep(seq_len(nrow(dd)), lengths(dl)),], value = unlist(dl))
like image 35
akrun Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 03:10
