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Turn on full backtrace in Ruby on Rails TestCase


Only one line of backtrace is displayed when I run:

rake test



ERROR should get search for keywords (1.93s) 
  NoMethodError: undefined method `features' for #<Transcript:0x00000006243780>
  /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/activemodel-3.1.0/lib/active_model/attribute_methods.rb:385:in `method_missing'


I need more lines of backtrack information. I have tried

  • rake test --trace

  • Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers! in config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb

  • setting global $DEBUG=true

and it didn't work.

How can I turn it on?

like image 361
Niels Tolstrup Avatar asked Oct 03 '11 10:10

Niels Tolstrup

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How do I run a test case in Ruby?

We can run all of our tests at once by using the bin/rails test command. Or we can run a single test file by passing the bin/rails test command the filename containing the test cases. This will run all test methods from the test case.

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The stack trace (usually named "backtrace" in Ruby, but also referred to as "stack backtrace" and "stack traceback") is a human-readable representation of the stack at a specific moment while running your program.

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Most methods can be tested by saying, “When I pass in argument X, I expect return value Y.” This one isn't so straightforward though. This is more like “When the user sees output X and then enters value V, expect subsequent output O.” Instead of accepting arguments, this method gets its value from user input.

1 Answers

BACKTRACE=blegga rake test

BACKTRACE=blegga rails test # rails 5+

Append --trace if you need rake related log.

like image 99
Libin Pan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Libin Pan