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Turn off UITableView bottom/top gradient mask on tvOS?

On tvOS, UITableView applies a nice looking gradient mask to the top and bottom of the view. In most instances this is the desired appearance, but in some cases it is not. Is there a way to conditionally turn that off? If there isn't an official way of doing this, has anyone found an indirect way of removing that effect?

like image 982
Wayne Hartman Avatar asked Nov 23 '15 20:11

Wayne Hartman

1 Answers

You can disable it with the following:


self.tableView.maskView = nil;  

Swift 4:

self.tableView.mask = nil

Source: How to remove UISplitViewController Master Navigation Blur Tint

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Jeroen Bakker Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09

Jeroen Bakker