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Turn off samesite enforcement in chrome version > 80

Now that chrome 80 has implemented the samesite cookie enforcement - is there a way to turn that off?

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Derek Chadwell Avatar asked Feb 19 '20 02:02

Derek Chadwell

People also ask

How do I turn off SameSite in Chrome?

In Chrome do the following: Type chrome://flags in the browser address box and hit enter Type cook in the search flags box Change SameSite by default cookie setting to Disabled Click relaunch button in the lower right corner.

How do I get rid of SameSite by default cookies in Chrome 98?

Those who wish to disable the said SameSite flags can do so by adding –disable-features=SameSiteByDefaultCookies or –disable-features=CookieswithoutSameSitemustbesecure in the Target field of the Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge properties and restart the web browser.

How do I get rid of SameSite by default cookies in Chrome 94?

Go to chrome://flags/ then search cookies in the search box, there should be 4 options. Check Enable removing SameSite=None cookies and Consider SameParty cookies to be first-party sections.

How do I get rid of SameSite warning?

I had this because I was running/debugging multiple sites on localhost and the cookies were still there from an old site I was debugging. After i cleared the application cache and reloaded the page the errors did not return. So in short, try clearing your cache. In my case disabling SameSite=None hidden the warning.

1 Answers

You can disable this behaviour via chrome://flags. Specifically, you can enter these two into your location bar:

  • chrome://flags/#same-site-by-default-cookies
  • chrome://flags/#cookies-without-same-site-must-be-secure

Set both to "Disabled".

However, while this might be useful for dealing with sites that still need to update, I would not expect this to be a long term solution.

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rowan_m Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 17:11
