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tSQL to set up user with View Definition permission on SQL Azure

I'm trying to export a SQL Azure database to a .bacpac file using the Azure portal. The administrator username on my database contains a *. When I use it in the username field I get this error.

The login name must meet the following requirements:
It must be a SQL Identifier.
It cannot be a system name, for example:
- admin, administrator, sa, root, dbmanager, loginmanager, etc.
- Built-in database user or role like dbo, guest, public, etc. 
It cannot contain:
 - White space like spaces, tabs, or returns
 - Unicode characters
 - Nonalphabetic characters ("|:*?\/#&;,%=)
It cannot begin with:
 - Digits (0 through 9)
 - @, $, +

So I add a new user to the database using the following tSQL.

USE master;
CREATE LOGIN gu6t6rdb WITH PASSWORD = 'kjucuejcj753jc8j'

USE MyActualDB;
CREATE USER gu6t6rdb FOR LOGIN gu6t6rdb

The portal export form accepts that username but later errors with the following message.

Error encountered during the service operation. Could not extract package from specified database. The reverse engineering operation cannot continue because you do not have View Definition permission on the 'MyActualDB' database.

To fix this I tried the following tSQL


which throws the following error

Securable class 'server' not supported in this version of SQL Server

How should I use tSQL to provide an additional user on my database and give the user sufficient privileges to export the database through the Azure portal to a .bacpac file in an Azure blobstore?

like image 551
dumbledad Avatar asked Nov 17 '13 21:11


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2 Answers

This will not work on sql azure. You will need to grant view definition at the database level. (without the ANY keyword)


P.S: I hit the exact same issue and this seemed to solve my problem. I also had to do a Grant Execute (but it depends on what your bacpac is applying to the database)

like image 188
Dilip Raghunathan Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Dilip Raghunathan

Got it. I can add the user to the db_owner role and then the export proceeds without error.

EXEC sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'gu6t6rdb'
like image 29
dumbledad Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
