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TSQL - Groups and Islands dates


I need a help on writing an optimal query for the below problem. Have attached the query I have with me but it is highly utilizing resources.

enter image description here

Below is the code to achieve above said logic. Please suggest some optimal way to achieve the same

-- drop table #me
create table #ME (memid int , EffectiveDate datetime , termdate datetime)

Insert into #ME values ('123','3-Dec-16','10-Jan-17')
Insert into #ME values ('123','11-Jan-17','6-Feb-17')
Insert into #ME values ('123','7-Feb-17','5-Mar-17')
Insert into #ME values ('123','8-Mar-17','15-Apr-17')
Insert into #ME values ('123','16-Apr-17','24-May-17')

--drop table #dim
select * from #ME
declare @StartDate datetime , @CutoffDate datetime

select @StartDate= min(effectivedate),@CutoffDate = max(termdate) From #me where termdate<>'9999-12-31 00:00:00.000'

 into #dim
  SELECT d = DATEADD(DAY, rn - 1, @StartDate)
    SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDate, @CutoffDate)) 
      rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY s1.[object_id])
    FROM sys.all_objects AS s1
    CROSS JOIN sys.all_objects AS s2
    -- on my system this would support > 5 million days
    ORDER BY s1.[object_id]
  ) AS x
) AS y;

--drop table #MemEligibilityDateSpread

select MemID, D As DateSpread Into #MemEligibilityDateSpread From #Dim dim JOIN #me ME on dim.d  between ME.effectivedate and me.termdate 

--drop table #DateClasified

        UniqueDate = DateSpread, 
        DateGroup  = DATEADD(dd, - ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY Memid ORDER BY Memid,DateSpread), DateSpread)
  FROM #MemEligibilityDateSpread
  GROUP BY Memid,DateSpread
--===== Now, if we find the MIN and MAX date for each DateGroup, we'll have the
     -- Start and End dates of each group of contiguous daes.  While we're at it,
     -- we can also figure out how many days are in each range of days.
 SELECT Memid,
        StartDate = MIN(UniqueDate),
        EndDate   = MAX(UniqueDate) 
   INTO #DateClasified
   FROM cte 
  GROUP BY Memid,DateGroup
  ORDER BY Memid,StartDate

select ME.MemID,ME.EffectiveDate,ME.TermDate,DC.StartDate,DC.EndDate from #DateClasified dc join #me ME ON  Me.MemID = dc.MemID 
        and (ME.EffectiveDate BETWEEN DC.StartDate AND DC.EndDate
                OR ME.TermDate BETWEEN DC.StartDate AND DC.EndDate) 
like image 594
vignesh Avatar asked Dec 08 '16 09:12


1 Answers

In cte0 and cte1, we create an ad-hoc tally/calendar table. Once we have that, it is a small matter to calculate and group by Island.

Currently, the tally is has a max of 10,000 days (27 years), but you can easily expand the tally table by adding , cte0 N5

;with cte0(N)   as (Select 1 From (Values(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1),(1)) N(N))
     ,cte1(R,D) as (Select Row_Number() over (Order By (Select Null))
                          ,DateAdd(DD,-1+Row_Number() over (Order By (Select Null)),(Select MinDate=min(EffectiveDate) From  #ME)) 
                     From  cte0 N1, cte0 N2, cte0 N3, cte0 N4) 
Select MemID
      ,SinceFrom = Min(EffectiveDate) over (Partition By Island)
      ,Tildate   = Max(TermDate) over (Partition By Island)
 From (
         Select *,Island = R - Row_Number() over (Partition By MemID Order by TermDate)
          From  #ME A
          Join  cte1 B on D Between EffectiveDate and TermDate
      ) A
 Group By MemID,Island,EffectiveDate,TermDate
 Order By 1,2


MemID   EffectiveDate   TermDate    SinceFrom   Tildate 
123     2016-12-03      2017-01-10  2016-12-03  2017-03-05  
123     2017-01-11      2017-02-06  2016-12-03  2017-03-05  
123     2017-02-07      2017-03-05  2016-12-03  2017-03-05  
123     2017-03-08      2017-04-15  2017-03-08  2017-05-24  
123     2017-04-16      2017-05-24  2017-03-08  2017-05-24  

Edit - Now if you want a compressed dataset

Select MemID
      ,EffectiveDate = Min(EffectiveDate)
      ,TermDate      = Max(TermDate) 
 From (
         Select *,Island = R - Row_Number() over (Partition By MemID Order by TermDate)
          From  #ME A
          Join  cte1 B on D Between EffectiveDate and TermDate
      ) A
 Group By MemID,Island
 Order By 1,2


MemID   EffectiveDate   TermDate
123     2016-12-03      2017-03-05
123     2017-03-08      2017-05-24
like image 122
John Cappelletti Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 16:09

John Cappelletti