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TSQL Comma Separation

I'm writing an export function, where I need to export contacts to Excel, and I've run into a technical snag - or perhaps a gap in my SQL skills is closer to the truth. ;)

Here's the scenario: I've got a bunch of contacts in a database. Each contact can have many different roles, for example a contact can be both C# Developer and DBA, or DBA and IT-manager. These are split into three tables, like so:

-------------------   -------------------   -------------------
*     Contact     *   *   ContactRole   *   *      Role       *
-------------------   -------------------   -------------------
* ID              *   * ContactID       *   * ID              *
* Name            *   * RoleID          *   * Name            *
* Address         *   -------------------   -------------------

Not too hard to follow. There's a set of contacts, and a set of roles. These are joined by the ContactRole table on the respective IDs.

When I export the contacts, I need to have a column in the export with all the roles comma separated, like C# Developer, DBA or DBA, IT-manager. The export will be done from ASP.NET/C# codebehind, so I figured I could do this in code should it come to that, but I've got a feeling it's possible to do in the SQL.

The data comes from SQL Server 2005.

like image 213
Marcus L Avatar asked Dec 01 '22 07:12

Marcus L

1 Answers

Just because you use SQL Server 2005 (and if you are lucky and have all XML settings properly set), here is your simple SQL query (pure SQL and no functions):

SELECT  c.ID, c.Name, c.Address, 
    (   SELECT      r.Name + ','
        FROM        "ContactRole" cr
        INNER JOIN  "Role" r
                ON  cr.RoleID = r.ID
        WHERE       cr.ContactID = c.ID
        ORDER BY    r.ID --r.Name
        FOR XML PATH('')
    ) AS "Roles"
FROM    "Contact" c

To test if it works for you, just execute the whole snippet below:

WITH "Contact" (ID, Name, Address) AS (
                SELECT 1, 'p1-no role', NULL
    UNION ALL   SELECT 2, 'p2-one role', NULL
    UNION ALL   SELECT 3, 'p3-two roles', NULL
, "Role" (ID, Name)AS (
                SELECT 1, 'teacher'
    UNION ALL   SELECT 2, 'student'
, "ContactRole" (ContactID, RoleID) AS (
                SELECT 2, 1

SELECT  c.ID, c.Name, c.Address, 
    (   SELECT      r.Name + ','
        FROM        "ContactRole" cr
        INNER JOIN  "Role" r
                ON  cr.RoleID = r.ID
        WHERE       cr.ContactID = c.ID
        ORDER BY    r.ID --r.Name
        FOR XML PATH('')
    ) AS "Roles"
FROM    "Contact" c

and you should get the following result:

ID          Name         Address     Roles
----------- ------------ ----------- ------------------
1           p1-no role   NULL        NULL
2           p2-one role  NULL        teacher,
3           p3-two roles NULL        teacher,student,
like image 83
van Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 23:12
