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TSQL calculating various % based on different fields

I'm running on a 2012 MS-SQL server and have a table USER with Age, Gender among other fields and a SALES table with sales records.

I'm currently calculating the Sales Leaderboard showing an list of Sales People ordered by their TOP Sales so to give an example this list returns various sales rep based on their Top Sales. Somewhere in the middle of the list we have Mr. Thomas which let's say is #4th.

My current task is to display how Thomas compares to sales reps that have the same Age as him and also how he compares with sales rep that have the same gender as him. The calculation will return a different result than the overall list described above.

My ideal stored procedure would receive 1 param (UserId) and return the following single record values: OverallPosition, OverallPositionTotalCount, AgePosition, AgeTotalCount, GenderPosition, GenderTotalCount


   UserId int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),  
   Name nvarchar(50) NOT NULL,  
   Age int NULL,  
   Gender nvarchar(10) NULL  

1, James, 30, 'male'  
2, Monica, 27, 'female'  
3, Paul, 30, 'male'  
4, Thomas, 30, 'male'  
5, Mike, 22, 'male'  
6, Sabrina, 30, 'female'  

CREATE TABLE dbo.Sales  
   SalesId int NOT NULL IDENTITY (1, 1),  
   UserId int NOT NULL,  
   TotalSale int NOT NULL  

1, 1, $900,000  
2, 1, $1,000,000  
3, 2, $900,000  
4, 2, $400,000  
5, 3, $750,000  
6, 3, $300,000  
7, 4, $875,000  
8, 5, $700,000  
9, 5, $1,200,000  
10, 6, $850,000  

Sales Leaderboard list

SELECT u.UserId, u.Name, MAX(s.TotalSale) as TopSale, Count(*) OVER () AS TotalCount  
FROM User u  
   INNER JOIN Sales s on s.UserId = u.UserId  
GROUP BY u.UserID, u.Name  
OFFSET (@PageIndexSelected) * @PageCountSelected ROWS   
FETCH NEXT @PageCountSelected ROWS ONLY  

Ideal Calculation Results
Since Thomas (userId 4) is 30 of Age and 'male', his Stats should look like this

OverallPosition = 4; OverallPositionTotalCount = 6    (i.e 4 out of 6)    
$1,200,000   Mike 
$1,000,000   James
$900,000     Monica
$875,000     Thomas
$850,000     Sabrina
$750,000     Paul

AgePosition = 2; AgeTotalCount = 4   (i.e. 2 out of 4)  
$1,000,000   James
$875,000     Thomas
$850,000     Sabrina
$750,000     Paul

GenderPosition = 3; GenderTotalCount = 4 (i.e 3 out of 4)  
$1,200,000   Mike 
$1,000,000   James
$875,000     Thomas
$750,000     Paul

The expected result is ONLY the values for OverallPosition, OverallPositionTotalCount, AgePosition, AgeTotalCount, GenderPosition, GenderTotalCount for a single user (the stored procedure will receive the UserId as param) and NOT the actual list.

OverallPosition = 4,
OverallPositionTotalCount = 6,
AgePosition = 2,
AgeTotalCount = 4,
GenderPosition = 3,
GenderTotalCount = 4

As I stated on my comments, I really don't know how to approach this problem. I hope that somebody will be willing to help !!

like image 429
SF Developer Avatar asked Feb 17 '14 18:02

SF Developer

1 Answers

The first CTE gets the max sales for each person. The second uses the windowing functions rank() and count() with an appropriate over() clause to calculate the position and totals.

with C1 as
  select U.UserId,
         max(S.TotalSale) as TotalSale
  from dbo.[User] as U
    inner join dbo.Sales as S
      on U.UserId = S.UserId
  group by U.UserId,
), C2 as
  select C1.UserId,
         rank() over(order by C1.TotalSale desc) as OverallPosition,
         rank() over(partition by C1.Age order by C1.TotalSale desc) as AgePosition,
         rank() over(partition by C1.Gender order by C1.TotalSale desc) as GenderPosition,
         count(*) over() as OverallPositionTotalCount,
         count(*) over(partition by C1.Age) as AgeTotalCount,
         count(*) over(partition by C1.Gender) as GenderTotalCount
  from C1
select C2.OverallPosition, 
from C2
where C2.UserId = 4;

SQL Fiddle


select C.OverallPosition, 
from (
     select U.UserId,
            rank() over(order by S.TotalSale desc) as OverallPosition,
            rank() over(partition by U.Age order by S.TotalSale desc) as AgePosition,
            rank() over(partition by U.Gender order by S.TotalSale desc) as GenderPosition,
            count(*) over() as OverallPositionTotalCount,
            count(*) over(partition by U.Age) as AgeTotalCount,
            count(*) over(partition by U.Gender) as GenderTotalCount
     from dbo.[User] as U
       cross apply (
                   select max(S.TotalSale) as TotalSale
                   from dbo.Sales as S
                   where U.UserId = S.UserId
                   ) as S
     ) as C
where C.UserId = 4;

SQL Fiddle

like image 149
Mikael Eriksson Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Mikael Eriksson