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Trying to understand the output of AKFFTTap in AudioKit

Using AudioKit, I'm trying to build an app that analyses the input of the microphone and separate the incoming sound into pieces of 3 frequency ranges (low, mid, high) and their amplitude.

This is the code I have:

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    var mic: AKMicrophone!
    var amplitude: AKAmplitudeTracker!
    var fftTap: AKFFTTap?
    var timer:  Timer!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

        mic = AKMicrophone()
        fftTap = AKFFTTap.init(mic)


    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        do {
            try AudioKit.start()
        } catch {
            AKLog("AudioKit did not start!")


        timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.01, repeats: true, block: { (timer) in

            for i in 0...256 {
                print(Double(self.fftTap?.fftData[i] ?? 0.0))



But now I have no idea what the output actually means?

How do I get the max amplitude for a certain frequency range? I need all three ranges at the same time, so I think the mere Frequency-Tracker won't do it.

From reading documentations about FFT, I understand that the first 256 bins are representations of a certain frequency's amplitude. But I only found Matlab plotting-examples that convert those values to plots (which don't really make sense to me).

like image 427
Swissdude Avatar asked Oct 07 '18 10:10


1 Answers

I found a code-snippet on Google that helped me solve my problem:


Specifically this part:

/* do FFT (taken from NR [http://www.nr.com] but uses array of doubles) */
    four1(fftBuffer-1, FFT_SIZE, 1);

/* display 15 bins around the frequency of interest */
    for (long k = 80; k < 110; k += 2) {

    /* real */
        double re = fftBuffer[k];

    /* imaginary */
        double im = fftBuffer[k+1];

    /* get normalized bin magnitude */
        double normBinMag = 2.*sqrt(re*re + im*im) / FFT_SIZE;

    /* convert to dB value */
        double amplitude = 20. * log10( normBinMag );

    /* and display */
        printf("bin: %d,\tfreq: %f [Hz],\tmag: %f,\t ampl.: %f [dB]\n", \
               k/2, sampleRate*.5*(double)k/FFT_SIZE, normBinMag, amplitude);

/* Program output:

bin: 40,    freq: 861.328125 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -182.347994 [dB]
bin: 41,    freq: 882.861328 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -180.895076 [dB]
bin: 42,    freq: 904.394531 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -179.201401 [dB]
bin: 43,    freq: 925.927734 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -177.156879 [dB]
bin: 44,    freq: 947.460938 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -174.555312 [dB]
bin: 45,    freq: 968.994141 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -170.934049 [dB]
bin: 46,    freq: 990.527344 [Hz],  mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -164.817195 [dB]
bin: 47,    freq: 1012.060547 [Hz], mag: 1.000000,   ampl.: 0.000000 [dB]
bin: 48,    freq: 1033.593750 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -164.633624 [dB]
bin: 49,    freq: 1055.126953 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -170.566625 [dB]
bin: 50,    freq: 1076.660156 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -174.003468 [dB]
bin: 51,    freq: 1098.193359 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -176.419757 [dB]
bin: 52,    freq: 1119.726562 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -178.277857 [dB]
bin: 53,    freq: 1141.259766 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -179.783660 [dB]
bin: 54,    freq: 1162.792969 [Hz], mag: 0.000000,   ampl.: -181.046952 [dB]



As requested, here's the Swift-Code:

//  ViewController.swift

import AudioKit
import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    var mic: AKMicrophone!
    var fftTap: AKFFTTap?
    var timer:  Timer!
    let FFT_SIZE = 512
    let sampleRate:double_t = 44100

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        mic = AKMicrophone()

        fftTap = AKFFTTap.init(mic)


    override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {

        do {
            try AudioKit.start()
        } catch {
            AKLog("AudioKit did not start!")


        timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.1, repeats: true, block: { (timer) in

            for i in 0...510 {

                let re = self.fftTap!.fftData[i]
                let im = self.fftTap!.fftData[i + 1]
                let normBinMag = 2.0 * sqrt(re * re + im * im)/self.FFT_SIZE
                let amplitude = ((20.0 * log10(normBinMag))

                print("bin: \(i/2) \t freq: \(frequency)\t ampl.: \(amplitude)")

            // Now do anything you like with the data
            // Be aware, though, that the amplitude is a negative number
            // the lower, the less input it represents
            // in my tests, the lowest number was around -260
            // Read more on Google about converting the negative
            // number to a positive


like image 79
Swissdude Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 22:10
