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Trying to NSLog an NSNumber ivar in an instance method

I'm working on a console app that is tracks different songs. I'm working on getting the song class up off the ground first and have run into a snag trying to log an nsnumber which has been allocated for the song duration into an nslog statement:

//  Song.h
//  MusicCollection.15.9   
//  Created by Nicholas Iannone on 1/11/10.
   //  Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

   #import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface Song : NSObject {

NSString *songTitle;
NSString *songArtist;
NSString *songAlbum;
NSNumber *SongDuration; 
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *songTitle, *songArtist, *songAlbum;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSNumber *SongDuration;

-(id) init;

-(void) printSong;


//  Song.m
//  MusicCollection.15.9    
//  Created by Nicholas Iannone on 1/11/10.
//  Copyright 2010 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

#import "Song.h"

@implementation Song

@synthesize  songTitle, songArtist, songAlbum;
@synthesize SongDuration;

-(id) init

if (self = [super init]) {

    [SongDuration numberWithInteger];

-(void) printSong

NSLog(@"===============Song Info==================");
NSLog (@"|                                       |");
NSLog (@"| %-31s |", [songTitle UTF8String]);
NSLog (@"| %-31s |", [songArtist UTF8String]);
NSLog (@"| %-31s |", [songAlbum UTF8String]);                                       
NSLog (@"| %31@   |"  [self songDuration]);
NSLog (@"|                                       |");
NSLog (@"|                                       |");
NSLog (@"=========================================");


Basically I'm not sure how to incorporate the nsnumber into the nslog statement when the print method gets called, plus im not really sure how to deal with these nsobjects ingeneral they seem kind of in-between an object I would create and a c type. Any clarification on how to handle these would be appreciated.



like image 804
nickthedude Avatar asked Jan 11 '10 23:01


People also ask

How do I use NSLog?

NSLog outputs messages to the Apple System Log facility or to the Console app (usually prefixed with the time and the process id). Many of the system frameworks use NSLog for logging exceptions and errors, but there is no requirement to restrict its usage to those purposes.

What is the NSLog server auditserver?

During installation, the NSLOG server executable file (auditserver) is installed along with other files. The auditserver executable file includes options for performing several actions on the NSLOG server, including running and stopping the NSLOG server.

Where can I find console output in NSLog?

Console output can appear in a number of places including (but not limited to) Xcode and the Console app. For more information about finding the console output from your app's calls to NSLog, please see Technical Q&A QA1747: Debugging Deployed iOS Apps.

What versions of the NSLog server are supported by the ADC?

The version of the NSLOG server package must be the same as that of the Citrix ADC. For example, if the version of the Citrix ADC is 10.1 Build 125.9, the NSLOG server must also be of the same version. The following table lists the operating systems on which the NSLOG server is supported.

1 Answers

To insert an object's description in a format string, use %@.

You can do this with your title/artist/album NSStrings as well so you don't need to call -UTF8String on them first.

For your song duration, you can either log the NSNumber directly or log a float or integer representation by calling -floatValue or -integerValue and logging those with %f and %d.


NSLog(@"%@", songTitle);
NSLog(@"%@", songDuration);
NSLog(@"%f", [songDuration floatValue]);
NSLog(@"%d", [songDuration integerValue]);
like image 156
Martin Gordon Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

Martin Gordon