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Trouble running TASKKILL from GitBash

I'm trying to create a function in my .bashrc to run in gitbash. The command I'm trying to run is:

cmd '/C TASKKILL /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq  Windows Task Manager"'

I'll be changing the "Windows Task Manager" bit, but just to show what I'm trying. The command (TASKKILL /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq Windows Task Manager") works fine when I run it through Windows cmd, but when I run from gitbash, I get this error message:

ERROR: Invalid argument/option - 'eq'.
Type "TASKKILL /?" for usage.

As I said, it works fine in cmd, so I'm thinking it's something to do with the quotation marks. I've also tried the following, which also fails:

cmd "/C TASKKILL /fi \"WINDOWTITLE eq  Windows Task Manager\""

I could put the command in a .bat file and run that (cmd "/C pathtofile/script.bat") and that works, but I'd prefer to run it straight from the .bashrc, if possible.

like image 594
zodac Avatar asked May 12 '15 15:05


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1 Answers

cmd "/C TASKKILL /fi "WINDOWTITLE eq  Windows Task Manager""

It seems like it shouldn't work due to how the quotation marks are nested, but it does.

like image 114
Godsmith Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
