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TrivialDrive vs TrivialDrive V2?

Why are there two versions of TrivialDrive?


Which version should be the main reference project for learning in-app billing? What's the difference between the versions?

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user8251758 Avatar asked Jul 04 '17 16:07


2 Answers

TrivialDrive_v2 demonstrates a new way of integration with Google Play Billing.

It's based on the latest release of Play Billing library (currently 1.0) and tries to promote the best practices of integration with it.

TrivialDrive sample was kept for those that still use an integration via AIDL file (e.g. C++ developers).

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goRGon Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


A little searching shows that Trival Drive V2 sample has a shared build.gradle file:


which has the following line:

compile 'com.android.billingclient:billing:dp-1'

Looking at the documentation here:


Shows that Google just released a new version of the Billing Library release dp-1:

Starting with Play Billing Library release dp-1 (June 2017), the minimum supported API level is Android 2.2 (API level 8). The minimum supported In-app Billing API is version 3.

And specifically calls out changes to the minimum support Android API and In-app Billing API.

Given the Trivial Drive V2 sample app(s) has a Wear 2.0 example - this version has billing support on Wear 2.0 apps.

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Morrison Chang Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09

Morrison Chang