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'TRIM' or 'PROPER' in BigQuery

is there a way to normalize strings in BigQuery?

My dataset looks like:

Alfa Beta


alfa beta //with a space after 'beta'

By now I can use lower or upper to normalize the letters but I don't know how to eliminate spaces before and after the text. Does BigQuery have a function like 'TRIM' in Excel?

like image 645
Ilja Avatar asked Apr 26 '15 07:04


2 Answers

BigQuery does have LTRIM (trims spaces from left) and RTRIM (trims spaces from right) functions. (Strings functions documentation at https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/query-reference#stringfunctions missed them, we will fix this shortly).

like image 165
Mosha Pasumansky Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 07:10

Mosha Pasumansky

Yes. BigQuery has support for TRIM to remove both leading and trailing spaces.


You can also use LTRIM for spaces on the left and RTRIM for spaces on the right.

like image 32
Abhishek R Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 08:10

Abhishek R