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Trigger event upon jQuery being loaded

I'm merging the use of the YouTube iFrame API and jQuery loaded in through a script tag that has the defer flag set. The defer flag must be set as the client has a perfect Google page insight score and wishes to maintain that score.

The YouTube API, upon being fully loaded and ready for use, immediatley calls a function that I define onYouTubeIframeAPIReady. It will then later call onPlayerReady upon the player being fully loaded and rendered.

I wish to use jQuery in this function, but just using jQuery inside the onPlayerReady function will be creating a race condition (hoping the jQuery library has finished loading by the time onPlayerReady gets called).

It occured to me a workable solution would be to use the onPlayerReady function to set a variable before calling a function that tests for both the player and jQuery. Another function sets a variable upon jQuery being ready and calls the same test function.

I have some code that works, but the part that checks for jQuery seems messy to me, and also introduces a small amount of extra unneccessary delay. I was wondering if anyone knows of a better way to run something the instant jQuery becomes available. Basically, are there callbacks for jQuery becoming available built into the library itself?

My current code is as follows:

var ready = {
    'jquery': false,
    'youtube' false

testJQueryLoaded = function() {
    if(typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
        window.setTimeout(function() {
        }, 25);

    ready.jquery = true;


function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady() {
    // Stuff

function onPlayerReady() {
    ready.youtube = true;

function postLibraryLoad() {
    if(!ready.jquery || !ready.youtube) {

    // More stuff
like image 722
Scoots Avatar asked Sep 11 '17 15:09


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1 Answers

As suggested by @KevinB you can utilize load event of specific <script> element

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js" defer></script>
    const dojQueryStuff = (el, params) => this.jQuery(el, params).appendTo("body");
    .onload = event => {

      dojQueryStuff("<div>", {
        html: "jQuery version: " + this.jQuery().jquery + " loaded"


like image 77
guest271314 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 09:09
