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Trello API: what are actions?



I am going through Trello API docs. I am new to trello. I am trying to understand, what is below API going to give me?

GET /1/actions/[idAction]

what are these actions? how are actions and cards associated as in what is the relationship between them?

Thank you.

like image 739
shwetaOnStack Avatar asked Sep 05 '14 18:09


People also ask

What can you do with Trello API?

The Trello API offers the ability to search all the actions, boards, cards, members, and organizations. While you can't control which fields you want to search, you can specify which fields you want your search to return.

Does Trello provide API?

Trello provides a simple RESTful web API where each type of resource (e.g. a card, a board, or a member) has a URI that you can interact with. The Trello API documentation is available at https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/trello.

Who can see activity on Trello?

Thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately there isn't a way to hide this activity as it is activity on a public board, meaning anyone will be able to see this. In the same way that the activity is visible in the board activity, this is then reflected on your personal profile page.

1 Answers

Trello actions are basic action associated almost with all Trello entities. Trello action could be for example addAttachmentToCard which provides you information that attachment was added to card, this action is generated immediately when you add some attachment to card.

Action is defined as:


If you want get all actions of specific card you are able to use GET /1/cards/[card id or shortlink]. The relationship between Action and another Trello entity is N to one - Trello entity could have N actions but specific action (is defined by ID!) is associated only with one entity.

like image 57
Daniel M Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 14:09

Daniel M