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Tree::Simple::traverse() is not visiting root of tree - error or feature ?




if I try the following code

#!/usr/bin/env perl

use Tree::Simple;

# Tree:
#                   a
#         _________ | ________
#        /          |         \ 
#       b           c          d 
#                 /    \
#                e      f  
#                        \
#                         g

my $tree = Tree::Simple->new('a', Tree::Simple->ROOT);

$tree->addChildren( Tree::Simple->new('b'),

$tree->getChild(1)->addChildren (

$tree->getChild(1)->getChild(1)->addChildren (

$trav_func= sub {
    my $node = shift;
    printf "node : %s  leaf : %3s   root : %s\n",
           $node->getNodeValue, $node->isLeaf ? 'yes' : 'no',
           $node->isRoot ? 'yes' : 'no';

# traversal does not report the root - error ?
print "------ preorder : traverse( \$trav_func ) \n";
$tree->traverse( $trav_func );
print "\n";

print "------ postorder : traverse( sub{}, \$trav_func ) \n";
$tree->traverse( sub{}, $trav_func );
print "\n";

the output is

------ preorder : traverse( $trav_func ) 
node : b  leaf : yes   root : no
node : c  leaf :  no   root : no
node : e  leaf : yes   root : no
node : f  leaf :  no   root : no
node : g  leaf : yes   root : no
node : d  leaf : yes   root : no

------ postorder : traverse( sub{}, $trav_func ) 
node : b  leaf : yes   root : no
node : e  leaf : yes   root : no
node : g  leaf : yes   root : no
node : f  leaf :  no   root : no
node : c  leaf :  no   root : no
node : d  leaf : yes   root : no

showing that root 'a' is not visited. My understanding of tree traversal is that all nodes should be visited. Am I wrong or are there some cases where it makes sense not to visit the root ?

Appendix :

Tree::Simple::traverse() is implemented as :

sub traverse {
    my ($self, $func, $post) = @_;
    # ... some checks here not shown

    foreach my $child ($self->getAllChildren()) { 
        $child->traverse($func, $post);
        defined($post) && $post->($child);

For the first node (root) $func/$post are not called, so there is no visit for it.

If you override traverse() with

package My::Tree::Simple;

use parent 'Tree::Simple';

# the original code of Tree::Simple::traverse() 
# but $func() and $post() outside of foreach-loop
# allowing the root to be visited 

sub my_traverse {
    my ($self, $func, $post) = @_;
    (defined($func)) || die "Insufficient Arguments : Cannot traverse without traversal function";
    (ref($func) eq "CODE") || die "Incorrect Object Type : traversal function is not a function";
    (ref($post) eq "CODE") || die "Incorrect Object Type : post traversal function is not a function"
        if defined($post);

    $func->($self); # put outside of foreach

    foreach my $child ($self->getAllChildren()) {
        $child->my_traverse($func, $post);

    defined($post) && $post->($self); # put outside of foreach

it works as I expected.

like image 483
katastrophos Avatar asked Oct 06 '11 15:10


Video Answer

1 Answers

I've been recently using the Tree::Simple package and I think that the observed behavior is consistent with the documentation. Consider, for example, the 'getDepth' function. In the documentation it says:

getDepth Returns a number representing the invocant's depth within the hierarchy of Tree::Simple objects.

NOTE: A ROOT tree has the depth of -1. This be because Tree::Simple assumes that a tree's root will usually not contain data, but just be an anchor for the data-containing branches. This may not be intuitive in all cases, so I mention it here.

From this, it seems to me that you need and "anchor" that must not contain data. In other words, your tree should look like this:

# Tree:
#                 anchor
#                   | 
#                   a
#         _________ | ________
#        /          |         \ 
#       b           c          d 
#                 /    \
#                e      f  
#                        \
#                         g

Then, the 'anchor' will be depth -1, 'a' will be depth 0, and 'b', 'c', 'd' will be depth 1.

Hope this helps.

like image 108
deps_stats Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 00:10
