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Tree view showing extra empty fields

I have created a custom module, in my tree view, I will always have only 1 row data. But in my tree view it shows extra empty rows. how can I remove those unwanted empty rows?

See the image for reference

My view code:

<record model="ir.ui.view" id="ctimesheet.list">
    <field name="name">ctimesheet list</field>
    <field name="model">time.recorder</field>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
    <tree string="TIME SHEET" create="false">
        <field name="total_time"/>
        <field name="month_time"/>
        <field name="yesterday_time"/>
        <field name="week_time"/>
        <field name="notsubmitted_time"/>
        <field name="user_id" invisible="1"/>
like image 847
Masood Azhar Avatar asked Sep 28 '17 11:09

Masood Azhar

2 Answers

just go to path: Odoo 10.0\server\odoo\addons\web\static\src\js\views and edit file list_view.js line 1115 and change



like image 104
Karara Mohamed Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 11:10

Karara Mohamed

updating javascript by editing odoo code is very bad you shoud use include to override the code:

Create a new module and create a javascript file:


in you javascript file override the render method like this:

    odoo.define('you_module_name.ListView', function (require) {
           "use strict";

           // First retrieve the veiw from view_registry
           ListView = core.view_registry.get('list');

           // now use include to override the render method
                render: function () {
                    // call super method first
                    // then override what you need
                    // and best thing here is that you can dor this for
                    // your model only
                    if (this.model == 'addon_name.model_name'){


of curse just writing javascript will not do the trick we should put ower java script file to backends_asset template to be loaded in odoo backend.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <template id="assets_backend_custom_id" name="list_view assets" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
        <xpath expr="." position="inside">
            <script type="text/javascript" src="/your_addon_name/static/src/js/list_view.js"></script>

don't forget to put the xml file to odoo manifest hope this helps you and everyone else

like image 45
Charif DZ Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 10:10

Charif DZ