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Traversing all nodes in an XML file with VBScript

I have written a VBScript which is supposed to tranverse all nodes in an XML file, irrespective of the depth of the tree. This it does well except that the node names for the those nodes which are 2 or more levels deep are not displayed. I need the node names as well as the values so that I have name/value pairs for further processing by other programs. Can anyone please help me in getting the missing node names displayed.

Below is my code:


<script type="text/vbscript">
Set xmlDoc=CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
Dim objDocElem, strNode, strSubNode, xmlnn, xmlnv, xmlnc, xmldd, xmlfd, xmlfv

Set n_firstchild = xmldoc.documentElement.firstChild
Set p_node = n_firstchild.parentNode
Set pn_attribs = p_node.attributes
For Each pnAttr in pn_attribs
   xmlfd = xmlfd & pnAttr.name & chr(9)
   xmlfv = xmlfv & pnAttr.value & chr(9)

Set objDocElem=xmlDoc.documentElement

Set y = objDocElem.childNodes
Do While i < y.length 
If y(i).nodeType <> 3 Then
  If Isnull(y(i).childNodes(0).nodeValue) Then
     xmlnv = xmlnv & "Category" & chr(9)
     xmlnv = xmlnv & y(i).childNodes(0).nodeValue & chr(9)
  End If
  xmlnn = xmlnn & y(i).nodeName & chr(9)
  xmlnc = xmlnc + 1
  Do While z < y(i).childNodes.length
    If y(i).childNodes(z).nodeType <> 3 Then
       xmlnc = xmlnc + 1
       xmlnn = xmlnn & y(i).childNodes(z).nodeName & chr(9)
       xmlnv = xmlnv & y(i).childNodes(z).text & chr(9)
    End If
End If

document.write("form details: " & xmlfd & "<br />")
document.write("form values: " & xmlfv & "<br /><br />")
document.write("node names: " & xmlnn & "<br />")
document.write("node values: " & xmlnv & "<br />")
document.write("<br />node count: " & xmlnc & "<br />")


and the XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<form penid="AJX-AAE-CRB-7P" submitted="2009-09-10 14:57:07" updated="2009-09-10 15:05:22" finalised="2009-09-10 15:59:48">
    <WinSoftware>Product One</WinSoftware>
    <MacSoftware>Product Two</MacSoftware>        
    <LnxSoftware>Product Three</LnxSoftware>
  <HouseName>Just Tea House</HouseName>
  <PostCode>B87 7DF</PostCode>
  <Insurer>ABC Cars</Insurer>
  <PolicyNumber>FDA 8D3JD7K</PolicyNumber>
  <VehicleReg>EX51 CBA</VehicleReg>
  <DescriptionOfDamage>Big smash on the from</DescriptionOfDamage>
like image 344
rob dixon Avatar asked Dec 15 '09 16:12

rob dixon

People also ask

How do I count nodes in XML?

Count the XML elements (XPath)newInstance(). newXPath(); NodeList nodes = (NodeList) xpath. evaluate("//staff", doc, XPathConstants. NODESET); int count = nodes.

How many types of nodes are there in XML?

The components of XML documents are referred to as nodes. There are 7 node types whose names are self-explanatory: Root node: is not to be confused with the root element itself.

What are nodes in XML?

Everything in an XML document is a node. For example, the entire document is the document node, and every element is an element node. The topmost node of a tree. In the case of XML documents, it is always the document node, and not the top-most element.

What are the 7 types of root nodes of an XML document tree?

The XPath data model includes seven possible node types: root, element, attribute, namespace, processing instruction, comment, and text.

1 Answers

Please, try this:

set nodes = xmlDoc.selectNodes("//*")    
for i = 0 to nodes.length
    document.write(nodes(i).nodeName & " - " & nodes(i).text & "<br />")
like image 140
Rubens Farias Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 18:09

Rubens Farias