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Transverse a tree like object in a Tail recursive way in scala

I am trying to make a function that transverse an object with a tree like structure in a tail recursive way, but so far I can't write a code that does it.

My tree like object is:

case class Node(lex: String,
                position: Int,
                posTag: String,
                var dependency: Int = -1,
                var left: Vector[Node],
                var right: Vector[Node]) 

Version 1, tail Recursive (Not working)

So far I've tried the simplest form:

def matchNodes(goldSentence: LabeledSentence): Int = {

  def condition(n: Node): Boolean = ???

  def match0(acc: Int, n: Seq[Node]): Int =
    (n: @switch) match {
      case head :: tail => {
        if (condition(head)) {
          match0(acc + 1, tail)
        } else {
      case _ => acc
  match0(0, left) + match0(0, right)

The above code is tailrec, but its not transversing the whole tree, only the first level.

Version 2, tail Recursive (Not working)

Other way would be:

def matchNodes(goldSentence: LabeledSentence): Int = {
  @inline def condition(n: Node): Boolean = ???

  def sumAcc(nodes: Vector[Node]): Vector[Node] = nodes match {
    case head +: tail => sumAcc(head.left ++ head.right ++ tail)
    case _ => nodes

  def match0(acc: Int, n: Seq[Node]): Int =
    (n: @switch) match {
      case head :: tail => {
        if (condition(head)) {
          match0(acc + 1, tail)
        } else {
      case _ => acc

  val flatTree  =  sumAcc(right ++ left)
  match0(0, flatTree)

Here I've tried to flat all the nodes into a single Vector[Node], but for some reason the expected result after processing the tree is not correct.

Version 3, no Tail recursive (Working)

The last code I've tried isn't tail recursive, but it is the only one that compute the correct result:

def matchNodes(goldSentence: LabeledSentence): Int = {

  var correctRoots = 0
  val position:Int = this.position
  val dep:Int = dependency
  val tag = goldSentence.tags(position)
  if (goldSentence.dep(position) == dep || Constants.punctuationTags.contains(tag))
    correctRoots += 1

  if (right.nonEmpty)
    for (r <- right)
      correctRoots += r.matchNodes(goldSentence)
  if (left.nonEmpty)
    for (l <- left)
      correctRoots += l.matchNodes(goldSentence)


Is there a way in which I could make this function tail recursive?

like image 454
Alejandro Alcalde Avatar asked Oct 30 '16 07:10

Alejandro Alcalde

1 Answers

I Finally wrote a tail recursive method to transverse the whole tree, here it is as an alternative to @badcook answer:

def matchNodes(goldSentence: LabeledSentence): Int = {
  @inline def condition(n: Node): Boolean = ???

  def match0(acc:Int, n: Node)(queue:Seq[Node]): Int = {
    val count = if (condition(n)) acc + 1 else acc

    (queue: @switch) match {
      case head +: tail =>
        match0(count, head)(head.left ++ head.right ++ tail)
      case Nil =>

  match0(0, this)(left ++ right)
like image 73
Alejandro Alcalde Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 15:09

Alejandro Alcalde