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transmission-remote commands are erroring with Unexpected response: <h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User: deflate, gzip

I'm running the latest Raspbian distribution and just installed the transmission packages.

However, whenever I run a transmission-remote command - say, to alter some base configurations - I keep getting the same error:

$ transmission-remote -DU -c required -p 9091 -w ~/torrents
Unexpected response: <h1>401: Unauthorized</h1>Unauthorized User: deflate, gzip

I can't find any good docs or tutorials out there to troubleshoot with, and I suspect I missed out on a step in the initial setup process which has resulted in this error. I'll already tried setting a username/password, i.e.

$ transmission-remote --auth myusername:mypassword

which succeeded, but it's still throwing the same "Unexpected response" error for all other commands.

Starting transmission-daemon doesn't work either:

$ service transmission-daemon start
[....] Starting bittorrent daemon: transmission-daemonstart-stop-daemon: unable to set gid to 110 (Operation not permitted)

Does anyone have an idea of why this might be happening?

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3cheesewheel Avatar asked Sep 21 '13 20:09


4 Answers

It happened the same thing with me, what I did:

First off, remove all transmission in your distro;

apt-get remove transmission-daemon

Second, obvious, install again transmission, but You need to install transmission-daemon tand the packages like transmission-remote, that's what you will use.

apt-get install transmission-daemon

Stop the process:

/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon stop

Desactived the AUTH:

nano /etc/transmission-daemon/settings.json

edit this line:

rpc-authentication-required: false

Restart the process:

/etc/init.d/transmission-daemon restart/start

Execute this:

transmission-remote -l 

If it work, none message will be shown. Now, you use a magnet link for test:

transmission-remote -a 'Magnet link'

Success message:

localhost:9091/transmission/rpc/ responded: "success"


http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/setting-up-transmission-remote-gui-in.html https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki

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TMoraes Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11


transmission-remote --auth myusername:mypassword -l

this worked for me... just all in one line... log in plus your command...

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kcah Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11


Note that --auth has to be before other options - not made obvious in the documentation or command-line help!

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Annihilannic Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 17:11


I know this is old but I did the same silly thing

Make note of the "sudo"

sudo service transmission-daemon stop

edit your file settings.json file

sudo service transmission-daemon start

Also you have to use the --auth on every command so in your case you would put

transmission-remote --auth myusername:mypassword -DU -c required -p 9091 -w ~/torrents
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BrinkDaDrink Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 16:11
