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Transferring from Windows to Linux with rsync

noob here,

I'm trying to transfer a file using rsync from windows to linux. I have this code, but I'm getting an error

rsync -avz -e ssh C:\users\file.txt [email protected]:/var/dir

I get this error The source and destination cannot be both remote

And if I try

rsync -avz -e ssh /c/users/file.txt [email protected]:/var/dir

I get, No such file or directory

So, I think the problem is with the path of the file on the windows.. I've heard about cygwin but haven't really tried it

What can I do to get the path to work?

like image 556
andrewk Avatar asked Dec 29 '22 05:12


1 Answers

If you're using CygWin to rsync from the Windows box, the local file you want is almost certainly:


rather then:

like image 129
paxdiablo Avatar answered Jan 12 '23 00:01
