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Transfer overflow from one div to another





Situation: I have two fixed-height divs, overflow set to hidden on both, and dynamic text content within the first div. Should that content exceed the overflow boundaries of the first div, I would like for it to automatically spill into the second div.

My questions is simply how to do this? I've researched, and the closest thing I found was a JQuery plugin that automatically creates columns for a newspaper-like layout. While this is not exactly what I need, it does give me hope that this is achievable on a simpler level.

Visual Example:

       <style type="text/css">
     <div id="d1">...(enough text to cause overflow exceeding 1in height)...</div>
     <div id="d2">...(the rest of the text that got cut off from the first div)...</div>

Thanks everyone! Based on all the input, I put this together. NOTE: this may not suit everyone's purpose:

  1. I did it in JQuery
  2. This is very conceptual
  3. Each additional item it its own element, and not just open text
  4. I already know for my needs that a single div will not break the overflow limits

That being said:


<style type="text/css">
    #base{border:1px black solid;height:2in;width:3in;overflow:hidden;}
    #overflow{border:1px black solid;width:3in;}
<script type="text/javascript" src="ref/js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="work.js"></script>
<div id="base">
    <div id="sub"></div>
<br />
<div id="overflow">



//  An array of content, loaded however you wish
var items=new Array();
items[0]='<div class="content" id="C0" style="border:1px blue solid;height:.75in">content 1</div>';
items[1]='<div class="content" id="C1" style="border:1px green solid;height:.75in">content 2</div>';
items[2]='<div class="content" id="C2" style="border:1px red solid;height:.75in">content 3</div>';
items[3]='<div class="content" id="C3" style="border:1px yellow solid;height:.75in">content 4</div>';
items[4]='<div class="content" id="C4" style="border:1px orange solid;height:.75in">content 5</div>';

//  Variable for the height of the parent div with the fixed width
var baseheight=$("#base").css('height').substring(0,$("#base").css('height').length-2);

//  Function to dynamically get the height of the child div within the fixed width div
function subheight(){return $("#sub").css('height').substring(0,$("#sub").css('height').length-2);}

// For each individual piece of content...
    //  Add it to the child div

    // Variable for the difference in height between the parent and child divs
    var diff=subheight()-baseheight;

    //  If this piece of content causes overflow...

        // Remove it...
        var tooMuch="#C"+i;$(tooMuch).remove();

        // And put it in the overflow div instead

like image 206
John Ruiz Avatar asked Feb 16 '12 03:02

John Ruiz

People also ask

How to fix overflowing div?

Add a padding top on the #scrollable div and make the #menu div absolute. Add a z-index to the #menu div so it stays on top. Also, make sure to add box-sizing: border-box on all elements to prevent exceeding the assigned sizes.

Why content overflowing out of div?

The overflow property controls what happens to content that breaks outside of its bounds: imagine a div in which you've explicitly set to be 200px wide, but contains an image that is 300px wide. That image will stick out of the div and be visible by default.

2 Answers

this is sort of JS only.

what you should do in JS:

  1. get the height of cont1
  2. when content is loaded to cont1, get the <p> height
  3. if <p>'s height > cont1's height, remove text (and store it to a temporary variable) starting from the end of of the text in<p>'s until it's height is equal or lesser than cont1.
  4. the removed text (which was stored earlier) will be dumped into the second cont2. wrap the text in <p> so that if you plan to do this feat again, you have 2 containers to deal with again.

not the most elegant of code (loop will lag when content is very long), but it's worth a try


<div id="cont1">
    <p>long text here</p>
<div id="cont2">
    <p><!-- future content --></p>




//existing text must be rendered in the first container so we know how high it is compared to the div

//get references to avoid overhead in jQuery
var cont1 = $('#cont1');
var cont1Height = cont1.height();

var p1 = $('#cont1 p');
var p1Height = p1.height();

var p2 = $('#cont2 p');

//get text and explode it as an array
var p1text = p1.text();
p1text = p1text.split('');

//prepare p2 text
p2text = [];

//if greater height
while (p1Height > cont1Height) {

    //remove last character
    lastChar = p1text.pop();

    //prepend to p2 text

    //reassemble p1 text
    p1temp = p1text.join('');

    //place back to p1

    //re-evaluate height
    p1Height = p1.height();


//if less than, assemble p2 text and render to p2 container
like image 102
Joseph Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 07:10


It's slightly hacky, but this should work. http://jsfiddle.net/D6L7u/

Basically it copies the content of the first div into the second and then offsets it so the initial text is not shown twice.


​<div id="one" class="mydiv">
Tail beef tenderloin chicken. Ground round tenderloin t-bone biltong fatback andouille bacon, ribeye leberkase boudin ham hock capicola salami frankfurter chicken. Boudin meatball pig strip steak, tongue sirloin brisket bacon capicola beef t-bone hamburger shankle beef ribs frankfurter. Capicola bresaola brisket chuck, short ribs ham jerky. Hamburger venison turkey short ribs jerky, bresaola chuck filet mignon spare ribs. Drumstick kielbasa sirloin jowl flank shoulder, salami tail short ribs corned beef chicken jerky tri-tip bresaola.

<div id="two" class="mydiv">



    float: left;
    width: 200px;
    height: 200px;
    border: 1px solid black;
    overflow: hidden;


​$(​function() {
    var copy = $("#one").clone().attr("id", "onecopy").css({
        "margin-top": "-200px",

You may wish to modify the js to be a little more dynamic such as getting the current height of div#one rather than a static value. ​

like image 24
SynXsiS Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 09:10
