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Transfer files to dropbox from node js without browser based oauth authentication

I am running a nodejs + express based api server from heroku and using the dropbox-js library. Here's what I'd like to do:

  1. A user hits a specific api endpoint and kicks off the process.
  2. Generate some text files via a node process and save them on the server
  3. Transfer these files to a dropbox that I own using my own credentials (user and dropbox app).

There will never be a case when a random user needs to do this.. it's a team account and this is an internal tool.

The part that is tripping me up is that dropbox wants to open a browser window and get permission from me to connect to the app. The issue is that I obviously can't click the button when the process is running on the heroku instance.

Is there any way for me to authorize access to the app totally in node?

I feel like I could potentially use a phantomJS process to click the button - but it seems too complicated and I'd like to avoid it if possible.

Here is my authentication code:

    // Libraries
    var Dropbox         = require('dropbox');

    var DROPBOX_APP_KEY    = "key";
    var DROPBOX_APP_SECRET = "secret";

    var dbClient = new Dropbox.Client({
      key: DROPBOX_APP_KEY, secret: DROPBOX_APP_SECRET, sandbox: false

    dbClient.authDriver(new Dropbox.Drivers.NodeServer(8191));

    dbClient.authenticate(function(error, client) {
      if (error) {
        console.log("Some shit happened trying to authenticate with dropbox");

      client.writeFile("test.txt", "sometext", function (error, stat) {
        if (error) {

        console.log("file saved!");
like image 999
Javier Evans Avatar asked May 01 '13 18:05

Javier Evans

People also ask

How does the Dropbox API handle authentication?

In general, the Dropbox API uses HTTP POST requests with JSON arguments and JSON responses. Request authentication is via OAuth 2.0 using the Authorization request header or authorization URL parameter.

How do I get auth tokens for Dropbox?

If you'd like to quickly test out the Dropbox APIs using your own Dropbox account before implementing OAuth, you can generate an access token from your newly created app in My apps by pressing the button that says "Generate" in the OAuth 2 section of your app settings page.

2 Answers

Took me a bit of testing, but it's possible.

First, you need to authenticate through the browser and save the token and token secret that are returned by Dropbox:

dbClient.authenticate(function(error, client) {
  console.log('token ', client.oauth.token);       // THE_TOKEN
  console.log('secret', client.oauth.tokenSecret); // THE_TOKEN_SECRET

Once you have the token and the secret, you can use them in the Dropbox.Client constructor:

var dbClient = new Dropbox.Client({
  key         : DROPBOX_APP_KEY,
  secret      : DROPBOX_APP_SECRET,
  sandbox     : false,
  token       : THE_TOKEN,
  tokenSecret : THE_TOKEN_SECRET

After that, you won't get bothered with having to authenticate through a browser anymore (or at least not until someone runs the code again without the token and the secret, which will make Dropbox generate a new token/secret pair and invalidate the old ones, or the apps credentials are revoked).

like image 122
robertklep Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09


Or you can just use the Implicit grant and get the oauth token.

        var client = new Dropbox.Client({
            key: "xxxxx",
            secret: "xxxxx",
            token:"asssdsadadsadasdasdasdasdaddadadadsdsa", //got from implicit grant

No need to get to the browser at all.This line is no longer required!

   client.authDriver(new Dropbox.AuthDriver.NodeServer(8191));
like image 37
lonelymo Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 07:09
