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Transaction management for multiple database Using Spring & Hibernate

Am coming up with a Spring & Hibernate application which has Inserts/Update to its own system database and it even has to Insert/update other systems with different database types.

How can i achieve the transaction management with Hibernate while performing with different databases.


like image 855
Bharat Avatar asked Apr 22 '16 20:04


2 Answers

Assuming you are looking for transactions involving multiple datasources, I highly recommend you give this series of posts by David Syer (spring lead) on your options:


For example, some databases even support transactions across databases schemas under certain circumstances without distributed transactions (see here).

There are other options other than XA 2-phase commit transaction managers (as they introduce significant overhead and complexity) but they involve different trade-offs.

like image 96
leeor Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10


You can specify two separate transaction managers.

    <bean id="transactionManager1"
    <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory1" />
    <qualifier value="account"/>

<bean id="transactionManager2"
    <property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory2" />
    <qualifier value="businessData"/>

Once your set up is done you can use the qualifier to specify the transaction manager:

    public class TransactionalService {

public void setSomethingInAccount() { ... }

public void doSomethingInBusinessData() { ... }
like image 43
Dinesh Arora Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 19:10

Dinesh Arora