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Training a RNN to output word2vec embedding instead of logits

Traditionally it seems that RNNs use logits to predict next time step in the sequence. In my case I need the RNN to output a word2vec (50 depth) vector prediction. This means that the cost function has be based off 2 vectors: Y the actual vector of the next word in the series and Y_hat, the network prediction.

I've tried using a cosine distance cost function but the network does not seem to learn (I've let it run other 10 hours on a AWS P3 and the cost is always around 0.7)

Is such a model possible at all ? If so what cost function should be used ?

Cosine distance in TF:

cosine_distance = tf.losses.cosine_distance(tf.nn.l2_normalize(outputs, 2), tf.nn.l2_normalize(targets, 2), axis=2)

Update: I am trying to predict a word2vec so during sampling I could pick next word based on the closest neighbors of the predicted vector.

like image 717
silkAdmin Avatar asked Feb 17 '18 16:02


1 Answers

What is the reason that you want to predict a word embedding? Where are you getting the "ground truth" word embeddings from? For word2vec models you typically will re-use the trained word-embeddings in future models. If you trained a word2vec model with an embedding size of 50, then you would have 50-d embeddings that you could save and use in future models. If you just want to re-create an existing ground truth word2vec model, then you could just use those values. Typical word2vec would be having regular softmax outputs via continuous-bag-of-words or skip-gram and then saving the resulting word embeddings.

If you really do have a reason for trying to generate a model that creates tries to match word2vec, then looking at your loss function here are a few suggestions. I do not believe that you should be normalizing your outputs or your targets -- you probably want those to remain unaffected (the targets are no longer the "ground truth" targets if you have normalized them. Also, it appears you are using dim=0 which has now been deprecated and replaced with axis. Did you try different values for dim? This should represent the dimension along which to compute the cosine distance and I think that the 0th dimension would be the wrong dimension (as this likely should be the batch size. I would try with values of axis=-1 (last dimension) or axis=1 and see if you observe any difference.

Separately, what is your optimizer/learning rate? If the learning rate is too small then you may not actually be able to move enough in the right direction.

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reese0106 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
