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Train NER model in NLTK with custom corpus

I have an annotated corpus in the conll2002 format, namely a tab separated file with a token, pos-tag, and IOB tag followed by entity tag. Example:


I want to train a portuguese NER model in NLTK, preferably the MaxEnt model. I do not want to use the "built-in" Stanford NER in NLTK since I was already able to use the stand-alone Stanford NER. I want to use the MaxEnt model to use as comparison to the Stanford NER.

I found NLTK-trainer but I wasn't able to use it.

How can I achieve this?

like image 686
arop Avatar asked Mar 09 '17 21:03


1 Answers

Chapters 6 and 7 of the nltk book explain how to train a "chunker" on an IOB-encoded corpus. The example in chapter 7 does NP chunking, but that's incidental-- your chunker will chunk whatever you train it on. You'll need to decide what features are useful for named entity recognition; chapter 6 covers the basics of choosing features for a classifier. Finally, look at the source for the features used by the nltk's own named entity chunker. They'll probably do a pretty good job in Portuguese too; then you can try adding stemming or other Portuguese-specific features.

like image 185
alexis Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10
