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Traefik v2 as a reverse proxy without docker

I have read the documentation but I can not figure out how to configure Traefik v2 to replace Nginx as a reverse proxy for web sites (virtual hosts) without involving Docker. Ideally there would be let'sencrypt https as well.

I have a service running at which I would like to reverse proxy to from http://myhost.com:80

This is the configuration i've come up with so far:

checkNewVersion = true

  level = "DEBUG"
  filePath = "log-file.log"

  filePath =  "log-access.log"
  bufferingSize =  100

    address = ":80"

          rule = "Host(`www.myhost.com`)"
          service = "http"

              url = ""
like image 832
jmn Avatar asked Oct 22 '19 02:10


People also ask

Is Traefik reverse proxy?

What is Traefik? Traefik is a leading modern reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates with your existing infrastructure components and configures itself automatically and dynamically.

Why does Traefik need Docker sock?

Traefik requires access to the docker socket to get its dynamic configuration. You can specify which Docker API Endpoint to use with the directive endpoint . Accessing the Docker API without any restriction is a security concern: If Traefik is attacked, then the attacker might get access to the underlying host.

Is Traefik faster than nginx?

Traefik is obviously slower than Nginx, but not so much: Traefik can serve 28392 requests/sec and Nginx 33591 requests/sec which gives a ratio of 85%.

Is Traefik better than nginx?

Protocol Support. Traefik has the best HTTP/2 and gRPC support we have tested. Some of our requirements include TLS termination, header-based routing, high performance, and stability, on a scale of over 10k concurrent connections. Traefik has performed much better than NGINX and Istio for this use case.

2 Answers

I figured it out, the first part to note is that in traefik v2 there are two types of configuration, static and dynamic. So I created two files, traefik.toml and traefik-dynamic.toml.

contents of traefik.toml:

  level = "DEBUG"
  filePath = "log-file.log"

  filePath =  "log-access.log"
  bufferingSize =  100

    filename = "traefik-dynamic.toml"

  dashboard = true
  debug = true

    address = ":80"
    address = ":443"
    address = ":8080"

  email = "[email protected]"
  storage = "acme.json"

    # used during the challenge
    entryPoint = "web"


    # Redirect to https
        scheme = "https"

          rule = "Host(`www.example.com`)"
          service = "phx"
          entryPoints = ["web-secure"]
          certResolver = "sample"

              url = ""
like image 69
jmn Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 12:09


You can also use Traefik v2 to reverse proxy to a service running on the localhost without using Nginx as explained here using File (and not Docker provider) for Traefik.

First, route calls to myhost.com through localhost by updating /etc/hosts like: myhost.com

Create a minimal docker-compose.yml like:

version: "3.7"

    image: traefik:2.0
      - "--providers.file.filename=/etc/traefik/proxy-config.toml"
      - "--entrypoints.web.address=:80"
      - "80:80"
      - ./proxy-config.toml:/etc/traefik/proxy-config.toml:ro

This Compose file creates a read-only volume containing the dynamic configuration for the Traefik reverse proxy standing in for Nginx as requested. It uses the File provider for Traefik and not Docker and a blank HTTP address mapped to port 80 for the entrypoint. This is a complete Compose file in itself. Beyond that all that's needed is the reverse proxy configuration for Traefik.

Configure the Traefik reverse proxy proxy-config.toml in the same directory:

  rule = "Host(`myhost.com`)"
  service = "test-loadbalancer"
  entryPoints = ["web"]

  url = "http://host.docker.internal:4000"

This is a sample reverse proxy in its entirety. It can be enhanced with middlewares to perform URL rewriting, update domain names or even redirect users if that's your aim. A single load balancer is used as shown in this answer. And host.docker.internal is used to return the host's internal networking address.

Note: At time of writing "host.docker.internal" only works with Docker for Mac and will fail on Linux. However, you may be able to use the Compose service name instead (i.e. "proxy").

Once you get this working you can set up the Let's Encrypt stuff or swap between development and production configurations using the TRAEFIK_PROVIDERS_FILE_FILENAME environment variable.

like image 39
vhs Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
