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Tracking Android in-app subscription events with Firebase Analytics


We're using Firebase Analytics to track our Android app. We've connected it to our Google Play account in hopes to receive the automatic in_app_purchase events. What we later realized is that does not support in-app subscriptions: https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/6317485?hl=en

How do we track subscription revenue events?
We thought about using the ecommerce_purchase event (https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/6317499?hl=en) so we could track the ARPU, ARPPU and LTV of our users.

The problem we are facing is dealing with subscription recurrence. Should we manually send this event each month/year and stop sending once the subscription is cancelled? It seems like a error-prone hack ...

Any other ideas?


like image 793
alechko Avatar asked Sep 14 '16 09:09


People also ask

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View events in the dashboard You can access this data from the Events dashboard in the Firebase console. This dashboard shows the event reports that are automatically created for each distinct type of event logged by your app.

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first_open. (app) the first time a user launches an app after installing or re-installing it. This event is not triggered when a user downloads the app onto a device, but instead when he or she first uses it. To see raw download numbers, look in Google Play Developer Console or in iTunesConnect.

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Firebase SDKs do not access IDFA, though some have integrations with Google Analytics that may involve IDFA access.

1 Answers

If you want to pursue the technique you described, from your server, you can track whether a google subscription event is active or cancelled via the subscriptions API.

If you poll this API, you should be able to determine when to send the ecommerce_purchase event to firebase.

Here is a ruby example of polling the API for Google Play. You can poll the iTunes API with a similar technique.

like image 188
Jason Kotchoff Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Jason Kotchoff