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Tough T-SQL To Left Join?

I've got a table of ExchangeRates that have a countryid and an exchangeratedate something to this effect:

ExchangeRateID   Country   ToUSD      ExchangeRateDate
1                  Euro     .7400     2/14/2011
2                  JAP      80.1900   2/14/2011
3                  Euro     .7700      7/20/2011

Notice there can be the same country with a different rate based on the date...so for instance above Euro was .7400 on 2/14/2011 and now is .7700 7/20/2011.

I have another table of line items to list items based on the country..in this table each line item has a date associated with it. The line item date should use the corresponding date and country based on the exchange rate. So using the above data if I had a line item with country Euro on 2/16/2011 it should use the euro value for 2/14/2011 and not the value for 7/20/2011 because of the date (condition er.ExchangeRateDate <= erli.LineItemDate). This would work if I only had one item in the table, but imagine I had a line item date of 8/1/2011 then that condition (er.ExchangeRateDate <= erliLineItemDate) would return multiple rows hence my query would fail...

    er.CountryID AS Expr1, 
    dbo.ExpenseReportLineItem AS erli 
    dbo.ExchangeRate AS er 
ON er.CountryID = erli.CountryID 
AND DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, er.ExchangeRateDate), 0) <= DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, 
                      erli.LineItemDate), 0)
WHERE     (erli.ExpenseReportID = 196)

The issue with this left join...is because the dates are <= the line item date so it returns many records, I would have to somehow do this but dont know how.

The LineItem tables has multiple records and each record could have its own CountryID:

Item            Country      ParentID    LineItemDate
Line Item 1      Euro           1           2/14/2011
Line Item 2      US             1           2/14/2011
Line Item3       Euro           1           2/15/2011

So there are three records for ParentID (ExpenseReportID) = 1. So then I take those records and join the ExchangeRate table where the Country in my line item table = the country of the exchange rate table (that part is easy) BUT the second condition I have to do is the:

  AND DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, er.ExchangeRateDate), 0) <= DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, 
                          erli.LineItemDate), 0)

But here is where the issue is because that will return multiple rows from my exchange rate table because euro is listed twice.

like image 970
oJM86o Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 20:07


3 Answers

I may be missing something here, but as I understand it the "dumb" solution to your problem is to use A ROW_NUMBER function and outer filter with your existing "returns too many entries" query (this can also be done with a CTE, but I prefer the derived table syntax for simple cases like this):

        er.CountryID AS Expr1, 
        ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY ExpenseReportID, ExpenseReportLineItemID ORDER BY ExchangeRateDate DESC) AS ExchangeRateOrderID
    FROM dbo.ExpenseReportLineItem AS erli 
    LEFT JOIN dbo.ExchangeRate AS er 
        ON er.CountryID = erli.CountryID 
            AND DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, er.ExchangeRateDate), 0) 
                <= DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, erli.LineItemDate), 0)
    WHERE (erli.ExpenseReportID = 196)
        --For reasonable performance, it would be VERY nice to put a filter
        -- on how far back the exchange rates can go here:
        --AND er.ExchangeRateDate > DateAdd(Day, -7, GetDate())
) As FullData
WHERE ExchangeRateOrderID = 1

Sorry if I misunderstood, otherwise hope this helps!

like image 96
Tao Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11


It would make your life a lot easier if you could add an additional column to your ExchangeRates table called (something like)


A separate process could update the previous entry when a new one was added.

Then, you could just query for LineItemDate >= ExhangeRateDate and <= ExchangeRateToDate

(treating the last one, presumably with a null ExchangeRateToDate, as a special case).

like image 27
Steve Morgan Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11

Steve Morgan

I would create an in memory table creating an ExchangeRate table with ExchangeRateDates From & To.
All that's left to do after this is joining this CTE in your query instead of your ExchangeRate table and add a condition where the date is betweenthe date from/to.

SQL Statement

;WITH er AS (
    SELECT  rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY er1.ExchangeRateID ORDER BY er2.ExchangeRateDate DESC)
            , er1.ExchangeRateID
            , er1.Country
            , ExchangeRateDateFrom = ISNULL(DATEADD(d, 1, er2.ExchangeRateDate), 0)
            , ExchangeRateDateTo = er1.ExchangeRateDate
            , er1.ToUSD
    FROM    @ExchangeRate er1
            LEFT OUTER JOIN @ExchangeRate er2
                ON  er1.Country = er2.Country
                    AND er1.ExchangeRateDate >= er2.ExchangeRateDate
                    AND er1.ExchangeRateID > er2.ExchangeRateID     
SELECT  er.ExchangeRateID, 
        er.CountryID AS Expr1, 
FROM    dbo.ExpenseReportLineItem AS erli 
        LEFT JOIN er ON er.CountryID = erli.CountryID 
                        AND DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, er.ExchangeRateDateTo), 0) <= DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, erli.LineItemDate), 0)
                        AND DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, er.ExchangeRateDateFrom), 0) >= DATEADD(d, DATEDIFF(d, 0, erli.LineItemDate), 0)
WHERE   (erli.ExpenseReportID = 196)
        and er.rn = 1

Test script

DECLARE @ExchangeRate TABLE (
    ExchangeRateID INTEGER
    , Country VARCHAR(32)
    , ExchangeRateDate DATETIME

INSERT INTO @ExchangeRate 
VALUES  (1, 'Euro', 0.7400, '02/14/2011')
        , (2, 'JAP', 80.1900, '02/14/2011')
        , (3, 'Euro', 0.7700, '07/20/2011')     
        , (4, 'Euro', 0.7800, '07/25/2011')     

;WITH er AS (
    SELECT  rn = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY er1.ExchangeRateID ORDER BY er2.ExchangeRateDate DESC)
            , er1.ExchangeRateID
            , er1.Country
            , ExchangeRateDateFrom = ISNULL(DATEADD(d, 1, er2.ExchangeRateDate), 0)
            , ExchangeRateDateTo = er1.ExchangeRateDate
            , ToUSD = er1.ToUSD
    FROM    @ExchangeRate er1
            LEFT OUTER JOIN @ExchangeRate er2
                ON  er1.Country = er2.Country
                    AND er1.ExchangeRateDate >= er2.ExchangeRateDate
                    AND er1.ExchangeRateID > er2.ExchangeRateID     
FROM    er
WHERE   rn = 1
like image 1
Lieven Keersmaekers Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 13:11

Lieven Keersmaekers