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touchesBegan in UIView not being called

I know that this question must have been answered plenty of times already, but I have no idea why the touchesBegan: is not called in my UIView.

Before I added it in my app, I made a trial project to do some tests. What I did was subclass a UIView where the touchesBegan: is implemented and add this as a subview of another view. The superview has a button which shows the subclassed UIView once clicked. Everything works as expected.

However, when I did the same thing in my existing app, the touchesBegan: method, as well as the touchesMoved:, were never called. Can anyone explain what could be preventing the methods from being called?

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Anna Fortuna Avatar asked Jul 10 '12 11:07

Anna Fortuna

2 Answers

I just found the answer to this. I realised that the superview of the UIView has the userInteraction set to disabled (which is the default value). So when I enabled the userInteraction of the superview, the touches are now recognised.

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Anna Fortuna Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 17:01

Anna Fortuna

In my case background = UIColor.clearColor() was the reason why touchesBegan was not called. Its obviously not called on transparent elements.

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David Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 17:01
