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Topological sorting in sql

I am resolving dependency between some objects in a table. I have to do something with objects in order their dependency. For example, the first object doesn't depend on any object. The second and third ones depends on first one and so on. I have to use topological sorting. Could someone show the sample of implementation so sorting in t-sql. I have a table:

create table dependency
  DependencyId PK

I want to get

ObjectId ObjectName SortOrder

Thank you.

like image 811
garik Avatar asked Mar 24 '11 10:03


People also ask

What is topological sorting with example?

In topological sorting, we need to print a vertex before its adjacent vertices. For example, in the given graph, the vertex '5' should be printed before vertex '0', but unlike DFS, the vertex '4' should also be printed before vertex '0'. So Topological sorting is different from DFS.

What is meant by topological sorting?

In computer science, a topological sort or topological ordering of a directed graph is a linear ordering of its vertices such that for every directed edge uv from vertex u to vertex v, u comes before v in the ordering.

Is topological sort BFS or DFS?

Topological Sorting can be done by both DFS as well as BFS,this post however is concerned with the BFS approach of topological sorting popularly know as Khan's Algorithm.

Why is it called topological sort?

Under the understanding that "topological" means "pertaining to shape", a "topological sort" simply means "a spacial sort."

2 Answers

It seams, it works:

declare @step_no int

declare @dependency table 
  DependencyId  int
  ,ObjectId     int 
  ,ObjectName   varchar(100)
  ,DependsOnObjectId int 
  ,[rank]       int         NULL
  ,degree       int         NULL

insert into @dependency values (5, 5, 'Obj 5', 2, NULL, NULL)
insert into @dependency values (6, 6, 'Obj 6', 7, NULL, NULL)
insert into @dependency values (2, 2, 'Obj 2', 1, NULL, NULL)
insert into @dependency values (3, 3, 'Obj 3', 1, NULL, NULL)
insert into @dependency values (1, 1, 'Obj 1', 1, NULL, NULL)
insert into @dependency values (4, 4, 'Obj 4', 2, NULL, NULL)
insert into @dependency values (7, 7, 'Obj 7', 2, NULL, NULL)

update @dependency set rank = 0
-- computing the degree of the nodes
update  d set d.degree = 
        select count(*) from @dependency t
        where t.DependsOnObjectId = d.ObjectId 
        and t.ObjectId <> t.DependsOnObjectId
from @dependency d

set @step_no = 1
while 1 = 1
    update @dependency set rank = @step_no where degree = 0

    if (@@rowcount = 0) break
    update @dependency set degree = NULL where rank = @step_no

    update d set degree = (
        select count(*) from @dependency t
        where t.DependsOnObjectId = d.ObjectId and t.ObjectId != t.DependsOnObjectId
        and t.ObjectId in (select tt.ObjectId from @dependency tt where tt.rank = 0))
    from @dependency d
    where d.degree is not null

    set @step_no = @step_no + 1

select * from @dependency order by rank
like image 146
garik Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 23:09


You have a simple tree structure with only one path to each ObjectId so labeling based off number of DependsOnObjectId links traversed gives only one answer and a good enough answer to process the right stuff first. This is easy to do with a common table expression and has the benefit of easy portability:

with dependency_levels as
  select ObjectId, ObjectName, 0 as links_traversed 
  from dependency where DependsOnObjectId is null
  union all
  select ObjectId, ObjectName, links_traversed+1
  from dependecy 
  join dependency_levels on dependency.DependsOnObjectId = dependency_levels.ObjectId
select ObjectId, ObjectName, links_traversed
from dependency_levels
order by links_traversed
like image 26
byogman Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09
