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tools for developing RESTful web services





What tools are recommended to aid in developing RESTful web services? For instance, a good front end for manually calling REST APIs, and a TCP/IP or HTTP monitoring tool seem like good starting points. I am looking for specific product recommendations. OS X recommendations would also be helpful.

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Landon Kuhn Avatar asked Jun 30 '09 18:06

Landon Kuhn

People also ask

What is REST API tools?

Rest Assured is an API tool that facilitates easy testing of REST services. It's an open-source tool and a Java domain-specific language designed to make REST testing simpler. Moreover, the latest version has fixed OSGi support-related issues. It also offers added support when it comes to using Apache Johnzon.

1 Answers

I use Poster (a FireFox plugin) for manually calling REST web services:


(I find the UI is difficult to work with and would like something better.)

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Landon Kuhn Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10

Landon Kuhn