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Too many open files warning from elasticsearch

Getting the below warning messages continuously. Not sure what should be done. Saw some of the relevant posts asking to increase the number of file descriptors.

How to do the same?

Even if I increase now, Will I encounter the same issue on addition of new indices. (presently working with around 400 indices, 6 shards and 1 replica). The number of indices tend to grow more.

[03:58:24,165][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index9][2], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index9][2] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index9][2] failed to open reader on writer]; nested: FileNotFoundException[/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index9/2/index/segments_1 (Too many open files)]; ]] 
[03:58:24,166][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index15][0], node[node_hash2], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to create shard, message [IndexShardCreationException[[index15][0] failed to create shard]; nested: IOException[directory '/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index15/0/index' exists and is a directory, but cannot be listed: list() returned null]; ]] 
[03:58:24,195][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index16][3], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index16][3] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index16][3] failed to open reader on writer]; nested: FileNotFoundException[/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index16/3/index/segments_1 (Too many open files)]; ]] 
[03:58:24,196][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index17][0], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index17][0] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index17][0] failed to open reader on writer]; nested: FileNotFoundException[/data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index17/0/index/segments_1 (Too many open files)]; ]] 
[03:58:24,198][WARN ][cluster.action.shard     ] [node1] received shard failed for [index21][4], node[node_hash3], [P], s[INITIALIZING], reason [Failed to start shard, message [IndexShardGatewayRecoveryException[[index21][4] failed recovery]; nested: EngineCreationFailureException[[index21][4] failed to create engine]; nested: LockReleaseFailedException[Cannot forcefully unlock a NativeFSLock which is held by another indexer component: /data/elasticsearch/whatever/nodes/0/indices/index21/4/index/write.lock]; ]] 

Output of nodes api

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?os=true&process=true&pretty=true'

  "ok" : true, 
  "cluster_name" : "whatever", 
  "nodes" : { 
    "node_hash1" : { 
      "name" : "node1", 
      "transport_address" : "transportip1", 
      "hostname" : "myhostip1", 
      "version" : "0.20.4", 
      "http_address" : "httpip1", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "data" : "false", 
        "master" : "true" 
      "os" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "available_processors" : 8, 
        "cpu" : { 
          "vendor" : "Intel", 
          "model" : "Xeon", 
          "mhz" : 2133, 
          "total_cores" : 8, 
          "total_sockets" : 8, 
          "cores_per_socket" : 16, 
          "cache_size" : "4kb", 
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 4096 
        "mem" : { 
          "total" : "7gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 7516336128 
        "swap" : { 
          "total" : "30gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 32218378240 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 26188, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : 16384 
    "node_hash2" : { 
      "name" : "node2", 
      "transport_address" : "transportip2", 
      "hostname" : "myhostip2", 
      "version" : "0.20.4", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "master" : "false" 
      "os" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "available_processors" : 4, 
        "cpu" : { 
          "vendor" : "Intel", 
          "model" : "Xeon", 
          "mhz" : 2400, 
          "total_cores" : 4, 
          "total_sockets" : 4, 
          "cores_per_socket" : 32, 
          "cache_size" : "20kb", 
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 20480 
        "mem" : { 
          "total" : "34.1gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 36700303360 
        "swap" : { 
          "total" : "0b", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 0 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 24883, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : 16384 
    "node_hash3" : { 
      "name" : "node3", 
      "transport_address" : "transportip3", 
      "hostname" : "myhostip3", 
      "version" : "0.20.4", 
      "attributes" : { 
        "master" : "false" 
      "os" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "available_processors" : 4, 
        "cpu" : { 
          "vendor" : "Intel", 
          "model" : "Xeon", 
          "mhz" : 2666, 
          "total_cores" : 4, 
          "total_sockets" : 4, 
          "cores_per_socket" : 16, 
          "cache_size" : "8kb", 
          "cache_size_in_bytes" : 8192 
        "mem" : { 
          "total" : "34.1gb", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 36700303360 
        "swap" : { 
          "total" : "0b", 
          "total_in_bytes" : 0 
      "process" : { 
        "refresh_interval" : 1000, 
        "id" : 25328, 
        "max_file_descriptors" : 16384 
like image 830
Vamsi Krishna Avatar asked Apr 09 '13 13:04

Vamsi Krishna

People also ask

How many documents can Elasticsearch hold?

You could have one document per product or one document per order. There is no limit to how many documents you can store in a particular index.

How many indexes can Elasticsearch handle?

Indexes themselves have no limit, however shards do, the recommended amount of shards per GB of heap is 20(JVM heap - you can check on kibana stack monitoring tab), this means if you have 5GB of JVM heap, the recommended amount is 100.

What is index in Elasticsearch?

An index is defined as: An index is like a 'database' in a relational database. It has a mapping which defines multiple types. An index is a logical namespace which maps to one or more primary shards and can have zero or more replica shards.

1 Answers

How to increase the maximum number of allowed open files depends slightly on your linux distribution. Here are some instructions for ubuntu and centos:

http://posidev.com/blog/2009/06/04/set-ulimit-parameters-on-ubuntu/ http://pro.benjaminste.in/post/318453669/increase-the-number-of-file-descriptors-on-centos-and

The elasticsearch documentation recommends setting the maximum file limit to 32k or 64k. Since you are at 16k and are already hitting a limit, I'd probably set it higher; something like 128k. See: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/setup/installation/

After upping the number of open files and restarting elasticsearch you will want to verify that it worked by re-running the curl command you mentioned:

curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_nodes?os=true&process=true&pretty=true'

As you add more indices (along with more documents), you will also see the number of files elasticsearch keeps track of increase. If you notice performance degradation with all of the indicies and documents, you can try adding a new node to your cluster: http://www.elasticsearch.org/guide/reference/setup/configuration/ - since you already have a sharded, replicated configuration, this should be a relatively painless process.

like image 51
Dan Noble Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Dan Noble