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"Too many attribute references" warning

I have an app, where some fragments only consist of ListViews. Some of my users with low-end devices experience a phenomenon, where a fragment simply can not display the data. When they enter the fragment I display a ProgressBar, and this ProgressBar seems to spin forever.

So I bought a low-end device and am facing the same problem. I get the data for the ListView with a network request to my backend API, but the answer is never returned. The only warning I see so far is

W/ResourceType﹕ Too many attribute references, stopped at: 0x01010034

I could not find much about this error in the web but it seems like this warning is logged here https://github.com/SciAps/android-frameworks-base/blob/c693209edc3696884c1fcd59790dda0b9811d017/libs/utils/ResourceTypes.cpp#L1573, but I don't understand what the Android code is doing there.

Anyone has a clue about what's going on here, what's the problem and how I can fix that?

BTW I use RoboSpice and Retrofit to do the network requests. The background service that is responsible for getting the data is stopped after this warning, that's why I never get back data.

EDIT As far as I can tell not seeing the data has nothing to do with the warning. Anyway, what does this warning mean and how can I prevent it?

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akohout Avatar asked Jun 17 '14 11:06


1 Answers

Actually, the most upvoted answer by @Corclark was not entirely accurate in my case. I got the same warning, but didn't have the style="@style/MyStyle" set anywhere. I experimented a bit and found out it was actually this line that caused the warning for me:


Then, I found this answer. Changing the style of My.Switch to

<style name="My.Switch" parent="">
    <item name="android:background">@color/dark_grey</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/Unpluq</item>

resolved the warning for me. Hope it might still be helpful to some.

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Jorn Rigter Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Jorn Rigter