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Too many active changes git warnings

i made a clean installation of visual studio code. Why do i get those warnings about Git 99+ warnings. How should i fix this ?

enter image description here

enter image description here

like image 949
Christodoulou Andreas Avatar asked Oct 10 '17 10:10

Christodoulou Andreas

People also ask

How do I delete a .GIT folder on a Mac?

Just run the rm command with the -f and -r switch to recursively remove the . git folder and all of the files and folders it contains.

What is the .GIT folder?

The . git folder contains all information that is necessary for the project and all information relating commits, remote repository address, etc. It also contains a log that stores the commit history. This log can help you to roll back to the desired version of the code.

1 Answers

Those are Atom IDE generated files. Add this to the .gitignore file:


If the file not exists, create one in the root of the repository

like image 85
yorammi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
