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Tomcat and logback.xml

I am starting up a Seam + Hibernate + Logback project deployed to Tomcat 6. I use Eclipse as an IDE. Hibernate prints many debug statements, so I have put the level to ERROR, so I don't see them.

<logger name="org.hibernate">
    <level value="ERROR" />

I don't paste my whole logback.xml, because the problem I have, is not connected with its contents.

I have the following classpath problem - If I put the logback.xml in WEB-INF\classesof my project, it is not found by the classloader and I see all debug statements. On the other hand, if I move the logback.xml to the lib directory of Tomcat, everything works perfect and the debug statements are not printed.

But I want to have my logback.xml inside my project, not in the root lib directory of Tomcat.

And here is my question - isn't the WEB-INF\classes a correct place for logback.xml? Why isn't it found?

I have always known that the files under the WEB-INF\classes directory of the project, are put to the classpath. Thank you for any ideas you have.

All the best, Petar

like image 672
Petar Minchev Avatar asked Jun 20 '10 10:06

Petar Minchev

1 Answers

It looks like your logback.jar is also under ${catalina.home}\lib.

If you want to put your logback.xml to \WEB-INF\classes, the logback.jar should be only under \WEB-INF\lib. The ${catalina.home}\lib\logback.jar should be removed.

like image 137
Igor Mukhin Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 16:10

Igor Mukhin