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Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool Amazon Mobile Hub Android

When I click Google Login I'm getting Token in onActivityResult method using the below code:

 GoogleSignInAccount account = result.getSignInAccount();
 String token = account.getIdToken();

 credentialsProvider  = new CognitoCachingCredentialsProvider(
            Login.this, // Context
            "My Pool ID", // Identity Pool ID
            Regions.US_EAST_1 // Region

I have added the Google client ID in Cognito using manage Federated Identities. I have cross checked all the keys in IAM accounts.google.com, everything seems to be perfect.

 final Map<String, String> logins = new HashMap<String, String>();
 logins.put("accounts.google.com", account.getIdToken());


When I try to get the identity ID using the below code I'm getting error - Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool. What could be the mistake?

like image 968
Anirudh Avatar asked Jun 09 '17 07:06


2 Answers

In my case, I had a trailing slash in my IAM identity provider for accounts.google.com, like this:

IAM provider list

The one with the trailing slash is wrong; the one without the trailing slash works correctly. It's interesting that AWS will fetch the same thumbprint for both of those.

In the AWS IAM console under Accounts > Providers > accounts.google.com, add the key for "Android client for com.example.yourstuff (auto created by Google Service)" as an audience. It looks something like "222222222222-x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8x8.apps.googleusercontent.com" (Then, when you're debugging, go ahead and all the rest of the keys as audience entries; you can go back later and figure out which ones you can remove.)

In the call to GoogleSignInOptions.Builder, you need a call to #requestIdToken using your web application key under OAuath 2.0 client IDs on the Goole APIs > API Manager > Credentials page:


(The token can get cached; if you run your app with the requestIdToken call, then remove the requestIdToken call, and run again, you can still get a result from a call to getIdToken() on the GoogleSignInAccount object.)

The google login code will eventually give you a GoogleSignInAccount object. Call #getIdToken on that object to get a string (in my case, it's 83 chars) that you're going to put in the login hash:

  // pseudocode...
  private fun fn(x: GoogleSignInAccount) {
    val token = x.idToken // getIdToken if you're still using Java
    val logins = HashMap<String, String>()      
    logins.put("accounts.google.com", token);
    credentialsProvider.logins = logins

If you don't have the right key listed in IAM > Providers > accounts.google.com, you'll get a NotAuthorizedException(Invalid login token. Incorrect token audience.) exception.

If you added that extra slash to accounts.google.com/, you'll get a NotAuthorizedException(Token is not from a supported provider of this identity pool.)

If you try to add accounts.google.com/ to the login hash like this (don't do this, fix the IAM identity provider name instead):

logins.put("accounts.google.com/", token);

You'll get a NotAuthorizedException(Invalid login token. Issuer doesn't match providerName) exception.

If you use the wrong token you'll get a NotAuthorizedException (Invalid login token. Token signature invalid.) exception.

(I suspect there are many other ways to fail; these are just the one's I've found.)

like image 56
James Moore Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

James Moore

First check if you are using correct user pool id. If yes then open aws cognito console , select Federated Identities then select identity pool you are passing in "Auth.configure". Then click "Edit identity pool" then goto tab "Authentication providers". Under it, first tab is of "Cognito", press unlock of User Pool ID and App client id and pass correct value there. Then you will able to login successfully.

like image 5
Ashish Sharma Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10

Ashish Sharma