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Token bucket vs Fixed window (Traffic Burst)

I was comparing Token bucket and Fixed window rate limiting algorithm, But a bit confused with traffic bursts in both algorithm.

Let's say i want to limit traffic to 10 requests/minute.

In Token bucket, tokens are added at the rate of 10 tokens per minute.

 Time      Requests AvailableTokens
10:00:00     0          10 (added 10 tokens)
10:00:58    10          0
10:01:00     0          10 (added 10 tokens)
10:01:01    10          0 

Now if we see at timestamp 10:01:01, in last minute 20 requests were allowed, more than our limit.

Similarly, With Fixed window algorithms. Window size: 1 minute.

 Window    RequestCount IncomingRequests
10:00:00      10         10 req at 10:00:58
10:01:00      10         10 req at 10:01:01

Similar problem is here as well.

Does both the algorithms suffer from this problem, or is there a gap in my understanding?

like image 475
Vipul Goyal Avatar asked Jan 24 '21 08:01

Vipul Goyal

People also ask

What is token bucket in traffic shaping?

The token bucket is an algorithm used in packet-switched and telecommunications networks. It can be used to check that data transmissions, in the form of packets, conform to defined limits on bandwidth and burstiness (a measure of the unevenness or variations in the traffic flow).

What is the difference between leaky bucket and token bucket?

Token bucket allows for large bursts to be sent faster by speeding up the output. Leaky bucket sends the packets at an average rate. Token bucket allows saving up of tokens (permission) to send large bursts. Leaky bucket does not allow saving a constant rate is maintained.

What problems in the simpler approach are addressed by using a token bucket mechanism?

The token bucket approach to congestion tries to limit the impact of bursts of network packets on routers along the path, while retaining some flexibility in terms of allowing a brief increase in traffic in response to sudden demands/bursts.

What is token bucket algorithm in congestion control?

Token bucket algorithm is one of the techniques for congestion control algorithms. When too many packets are present in the network it causes packet delay and loss of packet which degrades the performance of the system. This situation is called congestion.

1 Answers

I had the same confusion about those algorithms.

The trick with the Token Bucket is that Bucket size(b) and Refill rate(r) don't have to be equal.

For your particular example, you could set Bucket size to be b = 5 and refill rate r = 1/10 (1 token per 10 seconds).

With this example, the client is still able to make 11 requests per minute, but that's already less than 20 as in your example, and they are spread over time. And I also believe if you play with the parameters you can achieve a strategy when >10 requests/min is not allowed at all.

 Time      Requests AvailableTokens
10:00:00     0          5 (we have 5 tokens initially)
10:00:10     0          5 (refill attempt failed cause Bucket is full)
10:00:20     0          5 (refill attempt failed cause Bucket is full)
10:00:30     0          5 (refill attempt failed cause Bucket is full)
10:00:40     0          5 (refill attempt failed cause Bucket is full)
10:00:50     0          5 (refill attempt failed cause Bucket is full)
10:00:58     5          0 
10:01:00     0          1 (refill 1 token)
10:01:10     0          2 (refill 1 token)
10:01:20     0          3 (refill 1 token)
10:01:30     0          4 (refill 1 token)
10:01:40     0          5 (refill 1 token)
10:01:49     5          0 
10:01:50     0          1 (refill 1 token)
10:01:56     1          0

Other options:

  • b = 10 and r = 1/10
  • b = 9 and r = 1/10
like image 173
Mikhail Romanov Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 12:10

Mikhail Romanov